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SAM-buddy peer-mentoring program of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest


Recognizing the challenges of living abroad, we designed a unique peer-mentoring system for first-year students (freshers) titled SAM-buddy peer-mentoring. It aims to assist new students on the 1:1 basis for the period of 8 weeks in the fall semester. The SAM-buddy peer-mentoring program’s closing team building event was held in late March for mentors and mentees.

The event was organized to help first-year international students to get to know not only their upper-year student-mentors but all participating members of the program while building academic and social connections to one another. The fun team building was led by two well-seasoned trainer-psychologists who work with cultural and historic legends and story-telling.

If you are interested in becoming a SAM-buddy peer-mentor and you are at least in your second year and have active student status you are welcome to join the programme.

Photo: Tamás Dombóvári