Equus Days? What are they? – you may ask yourself. But why is this half-Latin name? This is how we want to show our respect for horses? Maybe! But Equus Days event series at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest’s life is a bit more exciting than a usual university program.
This program is the greatest event of UNIVET Budapest in the spring semester, the first major event organized by the students when youngsters take over the campus and fill it with colorful programs.
It was in 1975 when the first student days were organized, and this wonderful celebration of the student life has remained and became a tradition.
First Equus Days lasted only for 2 days but now we have five, sometimes six days of celebration, including the recovery days as well.
The programs aim is to offer the opportunity to relax after the winter coldness and darkness and prepare for the summer exam period, but it also helps students to get closer to each other, and have fun and joy, play together and become a real team, and for the international students find a new family abroad.
Equus Day’s most interesting part is the International Day where a growing number of students coming from more and more countries introduce their nations’ special food, drinks, and interesting customs. The campus is full of life and the feast lasts until late.
March from the university to the dormitory
The best part of the Equus Days is the usual march of the students. This is one of the traditional events of Equus Days when a carriage with the Rector of the university preceded by motorcycle police officers and accompanied by hundreds of students pull out the main gate and goes to the dormitory located at a 5 km distance from the campus. The animal figures on the banners carried by young people also show the public that this is not a political demonstration, but the procession of the students of veterinary medicine.
This year’s procession was dedicated to the African Swine Fever: the purpose of the march was to draw attention to the role of man in the virus distribution.
Photo: Anikó Horváth
- sdr