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Next ECAR conference will be held at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest

With the purpose of establishing a tradition, the 1st Conference of the European College of Animal Reproduction (ECAR) was held in Vienna between the 4th and 6th of July 2019. The conference was hosted by the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna.

The ECAR Symposium in Vienna was organised by Jörg Aurich, Christine Aurich, and Marc Drillich. They did an outstanding job and organized a very high-quality professional program.

They compiled a great scientific program with excellent lecturers and presentations. Seven out of the 10 invited lecturers have provided a review article of their presentations. These reviews will be published in the August issue of the Animal Reproduction Science (for the articles, please click here).

It is an honour for us to share that the next ECAR conference will be held at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, between the 6th and 8th of August 2020.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Budapest next year for the second ECAR Symposium.