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Filter Featured The University’s Syrinx Choir Performed at the 29th Valley of Arts Festival

The University’s Syrinx Choir Performed at the 29th Valley of Arts Festival

The Syrinx Choir of the University of Veterinary Medicine gave a concert in Kapolcs on the 23rd of July 2019, upon receiving an honorable invitation by the organizers of the festival.

Conducted by Attila Tapodi for the past eleven years, the choir mainly performed 16th-century motets and madrigals in the roman catholic church of the town. The one-hour program featured a careful selection of the best choral pieces of the High Renaissance, including Victoria: O magnum mysterium, de Prez: El Grillo, Lassus: Mercenary Serenade and Monteverdi: Ecco mormorar l’onde. The concert concluded with Mátra Pictures, composed by Zoltan Kodaly in the 20th century.

The enthusiastic crowd filling the church rewarded the performance with great applause, which also gave the choir a chance for an encore. It was a great honor and an unforgettable experience for the members of the Syrinx choir to perform at this unique and nationally acclaimed art festival.

Starting in September, the Syrinx Choir of the University of Veterinary Medicine will be rehearsing every Thursday from 7 pm to 9 pm in the hall of the Marek József Dormitory. Everyone is welcome to join!