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Praising Aladar Aujeszky born 150 years ago


Honouring Aladar Aujeszky for the 150th anniversary of his birth a commemoration ceremony was held in 9 October in the University Main Hall. Besides praising Aujeszky, the ceremony also included the celebration of the veterinary profession by emphasising that science can find solution to technical problems. The presenters introduced the life and work of the scientist, the research for the Aujeszky’s disease, the recent challenges of veterinary vaccine development, and greeted those specialists who were greatly involved in the decontamination of the Aujeszky’s disease accomplished in Hungary in 2015.

The rector, Dr Peter Sotonyi, explained in his speech that Aladar Aujeszky is the world-renowned professor of the alma mater, Hungarian science, universal veterinary medicine and cultural history who worked along with the greatest in between these walls in the beginning of the last century. He expressed his gratitude to the co-organizers, the Hungarian Association for Porcine Health Management, Ceva Phylaxia, and the Hungarian Veterinary Chamber for choosing the alma mater as the scene of the event which is the strongest bond among the veterinary community.

One of Hungary’s main objective is to fall into line with the forefront of world research and development. This duty has been fulfilled by veterinary medicine and it still owns its prominent place, emphasised Lajos Bognar, Chief Veterinary Officer. Time and use have not worn out Aladar Aujeszky’s name but polished it. For his description of the disease he is worldwide known in the field fighting against it. In our country, having decontaminated the Aujeszky’s disease, the responsible job of veterinary authorities is sustainment. In this spirit, last year more than 125,000 animals were examined.

The presentations were delivered by Dr Peter Sotonyi on the life of Aujeszky, Dr Bela Lomniczi on the research for the Aujeszky’s disease, Istvan Szabo concerning the decontamination of the Aujeszky’s disease, and Miklos Tenk regarding the recent fields of veterinary vaccine development.

In the course of the commemoration ceremony, Dr Ferenc Vetesi, professor emeritus was honoured with an Aujeszky-medal while the specialists fighting for the decontamination of the Aujeszky-disease received statuettes as gratitude.

The event was closed with the enwreathing of Aladar Aujeszky’s statue in the university park.