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Filter Featured Fundraising for the statues of Dr Adorján Bartha and Dr Tamás Szent-Iványi professors

Fundraising for the statues of Dr Adorján Bartha and Dr Tamás Szent-Iványi professors

Be part of our history!

To honour the memory of Dr Adorján Bartha and Dr Tamás Szent-Iványi, the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest will erect statues to commemorate their invaluable work. Part of the costs will be provided by donation.

Adorján Bartha (1923-1996), Doctor of Veterinary Science, honorary professor, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, head of the Veterinary Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was the inventor of vaccines against Aujeszky’s disease of pigs and against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis caused by herpes virus.

Tamás Szent-Iványi (1920-1991) Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor and Head of Department of Infectious Diseases, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences dealt with infectious animal diseases, bacteriology, immunology and virology, his classificatory system in relation to the description and classification of the entero-viruses of pigs was internationally recognized.

If you agree with our goals, please support the erection of the statues and send your donation to the EQUUSVET Foundation.

Name of foundation: EQUUSVET Hallgatói Kulturális és Szociális Alapítvány (EQUUSVET Student Cultural and Social Foundation)

Bank account number: OTP Bank 11707024-20437925

Comment section: Dr Adorján Bartha statue, Dr Tamás Szent-Iványi statue

We highly appreciate your donation and we thank you very much in advance!

Dr Péter Sótonyi
