The Blue Vesper edited by Péter Palatitz, Szabolcs Solt, Péter Fehérvári was ranked first among 54 other books and won the award of the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) and the British Birds Magazine ’Best Bird Book of the Year’ in 2019. The Hungarian edition was selected by the Hungarian Publishers’ and Booksellers’ Association as the most beautiful scientific and educational work in the competition the „Beautiful Hungarian Book”.
As the BTO judges wrote, this is an extremely visually attractive publication, it was praised for its design and layout as much as for its contents. The exceptional production value and engaging nature of the text, images, infographics and figures would appeal to a far wider audience. This book deals with everything from the Red-footed Falcons’ breeding biology migration, and wintering, even including results of satellite-tracking work. This book deals with one of Europe’s most attractive birds and is profusely illustrated with remarkable photos and visuals.
One of the editors is Dr Péter Fehérvári, a former student of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, currently a member of the Department of Biomathematics and Informatics, has long been involved in the studying of Red-footed Falcons. He and his colleagues are proud of the fact that their 15 years of research has resulted in a team of professionals, artists, and volunteers who have not only collected outstanding scientific material but have doubled the number of Red-footed Falcons in Hungary.
However, the work has not been completed yet and there is a huge amount of data and samples to be collected and analyzed to help us learn more about the hidden life of the Red-footed Falcons.
In addition to Hungarian, The Blue Vesper was published in English and Slovak language.
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