Without doubt, if you are a vet student and somebody mentions April, the first thing that comes to your mind is the EQUUS Days, right?
The history of this large-scale student event at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest goes back to 1975. At first, it was a two-day event, it has now grown into a full-week program series, returning each spring year after year with plenty of new and traditional elements. During this one week, instead of studying students focus on having fun and making new friends – as the competitions, sports matches and quizzes help them to build community.
One of the traditional events of EQUUS Days is the usual march of the students when a carriage with the rector of the university preceded by police officers on motorcycles and accompanied by hundreds of students go from the university to the dormitory. The parade is not just about fun, last year they raised awareness to African swine fever and the role of men in the spread of the virus.
Another outstanding event of the EQQUS Days is the “International Day” when students from nearly 50 countries get together in the campus park and present the typical delicacies, drinks and customs of their country.
Fortunately, our students made sure that despite the epidemic measures, we would not be left without EQUUS Days this year. Click here to access the video, which is intended to present the quarantine version of the event in an easy, fun way.
A bit of nostalgia: click here for photos taken last year, and below is a video summary of the 2018 event.