Subcortical neural processing of saliency mini symposium
on 17th December from 14:00-16:00
14:00 – 14:20 Mátyás Ferenc, PhD (ÁTE, Természettudományi Kutatóközpont-TTK):
Dual thalamoamygdalar routes control emotional behavior.
14:25 – 14:45 Kocsis Kinga (TTK, PPKE ITK):
The role of thalamic inputs in amygdala oscillation generation.
14:50 – 15:10 Dr. Keller Dávid (Semmelweis Egyetem):
A novel thalamo-preoptic neuronal pathway affects social interaction in rat.
15:15 – 15:35 Alfonso Deichler, PhD (Universidad de Chile):
A specialized reciprocal connectivity suggests a link between the mechanisms by
which the superior colliculus and parabigeminal nucleus produce defensive behaviors
in rodents.
15:40 – 16:00 Dr. Barthó Péter, PhD (TTK):
Top-down modulation of thalamocortical states
Code: nr4xb1i |