The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest opened its 237th academic year on September 4th in Budapest. Dr. Péter Sótonyi, the Rector of the University, and Dr. Judit Varga, former Minister of Justice and Member of Parliament, delivered ceremonial speeches. The participants were greeted by Dr. Balázs Zoltán Hankó, State Secretary for Innovation and Higher Education, and Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy. At the event, commemorative certificates were presented to veterinarians who graduated 70, 65, 60, and 50 years ago.
During the ceremony, it was announced that János Csák, the Minister responsible for culture and innovation, awarded a certificate of recognition to Ms. Bernadett Bendik, the Chief Financial Officer, for her dedicated work that contributes to the successful operation of our model-changing higher education system. The certificate was presented to our colleague by Dr. Balázs Zoltán Hankó.
At the ceremony, Dr. Valéria Csépe, the President of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee, presented the renewed accreditation certificate to the Rector of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest.
On behalf of the jubilants, Dr. Sándor Holló, Chief Veterinarian, expressed gratitude for the awarding of the diplomas. Eleven family members have chosen the profession from 1918 to 2023. The 12th future veterinarian took the student oath at the academic year opening.
During the event, the following individuals were conferred the title of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences: Dr. Ervin Albert, Dr. Judit Csöndes, Dr. Valéria Dékay, Dr. Orsolya Fehér, Dr. Dorottya Földi, Dr. Janka Kulcsárné Petrilla, Dr. Nikolett Palkovicsné Pézsa, and Dr. Dorottya Zólyomi. Dr. Zita Makra received the certificate that authorizes the use of the habilitated title.
This year, the “Good Student, Good Athlete Scholarship” was awarded to Anikó Koren, an orienteering runner, and Viktória Berde, a sports shooter.
Based on their outstanding academic achievements and community contributions, the Minister responsible for culture and innovation awarded national higher education scholarships to Dorottya Ambrus, Eszter Balkó, Kata Baranyi, Zsófia Csebella, Fruzsin Fazekas, and Luca Szalai.
The Dr. Gusztáv Hajdu Foundation awarded certificates to Ábel Húr Farkas, Adrienn Aliza Keszeli, Vivien Putnoki, Daniella Panna Kiss, and Emma Léda Babits for their academic achievements in the 2022/2023 academic year.
Vivien Fodor received the Bonafarm student scholarship.
The Royal Canin student scholarships were awarded to Dorottya Ambrus, Franciska Veronika Barnácz, and Fanni Sára Huber.
The recording of the ceremony can be watched here:
For more photos click HERE.