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Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi confers veterinary doctorate on 237 graduates

At the doctoral inauguration ceremonies of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest on February 28, a total of 237 veterinary doctors—107 Hungarian and 130 English program graduates—received their diplomas from Rector Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi. Family members witnessed these emotional moments on-site in the university’s auditorium and lecture halls through live broadcasts.

In his ceremonial speech, Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi reflected on the results of the multi-billion-forint phase of the university’s reconstruction, completed in December. He emphasized that while building beautiful facilities is important, it is even more crucial to shape a future-oriented strategy with outstanding scientists and promising researchers. He stressed the need for education and research to thrive, enabling Hungary to catch up with the world’s scientific elite and produce intellectuals prioritising the country’s interests. As advice to the graduates, he offered a guiding principle:

“Life is not a sprint, but a marathon. What truly matters is advancing with perseverance and integrity while helping those running alongside us. True champions do not fight only for themselves, but for others as well!”

Agriculture Minister Dr. István Nagy highlighted that Hungarian public administration eagerly welcomes these new graduates, as their innovative ideas and research are essential for enhancing the agricultural sector’s competitiveness. He also noted that over the past decade, the number of students enrolled in Hungarian-language veterinary programs has doubled, and veterinary science itself has significantly advanced. New therapeutic options, such as gene therapy and regenerative medicine, have emerged alongside precision and digital technologies.

Dr. Veronika Varga-Bajusz, State Secretary for Higher Education at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, acknowledged the university’s extensive research projects, including 37 research groups expanding student opportunities. She stated that the institution’s transition to a new operational model has not only stabilized funding and operations but also opened new avenues for research and collaboration with industry partners.

Speaking on behalf of the graduates, Dr. Fanni Sára Huber, class representative and newly conferred veterinarian, shared that when they began their studies, they believed their journey would be solely about animals. However, over the years, they realized it is just as much about people—those they work with, learn from, and must earn the trust of every day.

“Today, the moment has finally arrived when we can say the words we have been preparing for all these years: I am a veterinarian,” declared Dr. Noémi Madarász, former president of the Student Council. She then posed the question, “What comes next?” and answered it herself:

“I want to work. To work so much that I have the chance to make mistakes. To make mistakes so that I can learn to correct them—or even better, to avoid them altogether.”

Dr. Gábor Gönczi, President of the Hungarian Veterinary Chamber, encouraged the newly inaugurated veterinarians to be active members of both their professional community and local societies, as their expertise will be valuable not only in professional matters but also in ethical and humanistic concerns.

Honors and Awards

During the ceremony, the following individuals were recognized with prestigious awards:

  • Pro Universitate Gold Ring: Bernadett Bendik, Chief Financial Officer
  • Pro Universitate Gold Medal: Dr. Ágnes Sterczer, University Lecturer; Aranka Bíró and Alexandra Bulejka, Department Heads
  • Pro Arte Veterinaria Medal: Prof. Giovanni Michele Lacalandra (University of Bari)
  • Pro Utilitate Universitatis Medal: Dr. István Makkai and Dr. Péter Máté, Clinical Instructors
  • Pro Universitate Juventutis Medal: Gergő Kurucz, Veterinary Student
  • Rector’s Award: Krisztina Balogh, Dr. Éva Korinna Szabó, Ágnes Keindl, Eszter Szászkay, Adelaida Yaqoub, Réka Mészáros, Béla Angalét, István Rakos, and Csaba Polákovics

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