The Faculty’s strong commitment to quality is reflected not only in its continuously evolving internal quality assurance system but also in its outstanding performance at external evaluations: the Faculty has been audited and approved by EAEVE twice, first in 1995 and then again in 2004.
The EAEVE (the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education) evaluates education standards for veterinarians as stated in the EU directive 2005/36.
In February 2014, the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education evaluated our Veterinary Faculty in two stages. Besides examining our curriculum, our quality management system was inspected as well.
Since 2009 only those universities can be considered accredited schools which pass both stages of the accreditation procedure. The rest of the forty-nine European veterinary schools belong only to the “accepted” category.
After Helsinki, London, Bern, Copenhagen, Vienna, and Gent we are the seventh Veterinary School to fulfill those strict requirements expected by the Association which is well known to be devoted to quality assurance.
The high level of veterinary training attracts excellent, motivated students and the European accreditation certifies that the level of the Hungarian veterinary training equals to that of the best schools in Europe. Results of the EAEVE evaluation are followed by professional organisations overseas, and the EAEVE accreditation helps to accept the diplomas outside Europe, too.
EAEVE Certificates
Evaluation Documents
Self Evaluation Report Stage I.
Self Evaluation Report Stage II.
(Self Evaluation Report Stage II. Annexes)
ECOVE (European Committee of Veterinary Education) final decision