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International Relations Office

Postal address:
University of Veterinary Medicine, Office of International Relations
H-1078 Budapest, István u. 2., Hungary

Phone: (+36 1) 478 4100 / 8865
e-mail: [Click to see email]


Vice-rector for International Relations

Prof. Tibor, BARTHA, DVM, Ph.D., D.Sc., professor

Office: Rottenbiller str 50., 1st floor
Office hours: by appointment
Phone: (+36 1) 478 4100 / 8401
e-mail: [Click to see email]

International Relations Officer

Ms. Julianna Pókay

Office hours:
Tuesday and Thursday: 9 a.m. – 12p.m.
Wednesday: 13 p.m. – 16 p.m.

Office: Rottenbiller str 50., 1st floor, room number 30.
Phone: (+36 1) 478 4100 / 8865
e-mail: [Click to see email]