Subscription databases are available to teachers and students from home through VPN access. Information for VPN access can be found here.
Ebsco Discovery Service – subscribed
EBSCO Discovery ServiceTM brings together the most comprehensive collection of content—including superior indexing from top subject indexes, high-end full text and the entire library collection—all within an unparalleled full-featured, customizable discovery layer experience.
E.g.: CAB Abstracts, MEDLINE, Science Citation Index, Science Direct, Scopus, Agris, FSTA, JSTOR Journals, Social Citation index, DOAJ, SciELO stb.
Primary databases:
CAB Abstracts – subscribed
veterinary, plant sciences, animal sciences, health (human), parasitology, ecology, forestry, earth sciences, food science and food products, agricultural economics, biotechnology
CAB Archive (1910-1972) – subscribed
veterinary, plant sciences, animal sciences, health (human), parasitology, ecology, forestry, earth sciences, food science and food products, agricultural economics, biotechnology
FSTA – Food Science and Technology – subscribed
food science and technology, human nutrition, every aspect of the food chain
Journal Highly Cited Data (JHCD) – korábban: Journal Citation Reports (JCR) – subscribed
JHCD on the Web provides the impact factor (the relative importance of journals within a given field).
Magyar Állatorvosi Bibliográfia
veterinary science
Hungarian Periodicals Table of Contents Database
a constantly expanding medical and veterinary database
Science Direct – subscribed
full-text journals
Scopus – subscribed
chemistry, physics, mathematics and engineering, life sciences and medicine, social sciences, psychology and economics, agricultural and environmental sciences
Web of Science – subscribed
Web of Science Core Collection, BIOSIS Citation Index, Current Contents Connect, Data Citation Index, Derwent Innovations Index, KCI-Korean Journal Database, MEDLINE, SciELO Citation Index
További adatbázisok:
Agricola (AGRICultural OnLine Access)
Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár (ADT)
A teljesség igényével teszi hozzáférhetővé és kereshetővé múltunk legfontosabb nyomtatott forrásait (tudományos és szakfolyóiratok, heti- és napilapok, valamint lexikonok és tematikus könyvgyűjtemények legjavát).
multidisciplinary database
BA Biological Abstracts (2000-2005)
biology, medicine
Business Source Premier
free diagnostic support system for veterinary medicine
Debreceni Egyetem Könyvtárának agrártudományi folyóirat-katalógusa
The agricultural journals catalogue of the University and National Library, University of Debrecen
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
library science
Magyar Mezőgazdasági Bibliográfia
human medicine
Search all available Hungarian bibliographic data through one single site!
news database
foreign journals in Hungarian libraries
the database incorporates more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States
astronomy, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, environment, earth sciences, life sciences, mathematics, medicine, physics
Toxnet (Toxicology Data Network)