Basic services:
The Hutyra Ferenc Library is open to the public and provides the following services for everybody free of charge:
- local use of the library’s collection
- local use of catalogues and other databases
- information on the library system and services provided in it.
Information regarding the opening hours of the library, its services and fees may be found on the library homepage or in the reading room.
Document provision:
- in-house use – printed and electronic documents (free)
- borrowing (only personally) Periodicals, old, rare books, manuals and lecture notes cannot be borrowed!
- copying and scanning of library documents and other documents: self-service or upon order
- making electronic copies and forwarding them via e-mail (limited service)
- using the group room for small groups
- interlibrary lending (books, copies of articles) from Hungarian and foreign libraries
Reference services: searching on your own or together with the librarians:
- information on the holdings of the library (from a card catalogue until 1986, from the OPAC of the library about materials acquired after 1986)
- referral services: information on the holdings, address, opening hours, services of other libraries
Bibliographic sources:
- Bibliography of Hungarian Veterinary Literature (in printed form from 1971 to 1989; on CD-ROM and through the OPAC from 1990 on)
- providing special veterinary information
International databases in the library:
- CAB Archives + CAB Abstracts: agricultural and veterinary literature from 1910 on
- FSTA: literature on food science and technology from 1990 on
- Zoological Record: zoological literature
- EISZ (Electronic Information Services): Web of Science, Science Direct, SpringerLink databases
- EBSCO databases and journals
- MATARKA: Hungarian Periodicals Table of Contents Database
- information on Hungarian legal regulations in force and EU directives (Eurlex)
- information on the standards of the veterinary field in force. The service is not full scale yet!
- thematic link collections
Services aiding publication and the assessment of scientific achievements:
- methodological guidance to publication, compilation of bibliographic references, completion of bibliographic data,
- methodological guidance to thesis writing,
- information on the impact factors of journals,
- methodological guidance to the calculation of publication and impact values,
- preparation of lists of publications.
Marketing and user education:
- homepage: newsletter, new books, news etc.
- newsletter Noctua (on the web or as an appendix of Állatorvosi Kamarai Hírek)
- user education: courses in library informatics and individual training
Services aiding the researchers of the university history and the veterinary history:
- historical digital library
- customer service in the archives
- permanent and temporary exhibitions in the Collection of Veterinary History, virtual museum
- the Hungarian Veterinary Pantheon
Own computer also may be used in the library via the wireless network. University students can use all the databases, e-journals and e-books on their home computers via remote access.
About the fees you can gather information in the reading room or on the library homepage.