Digitization of outstanding foreign and Hungarian documents from the Magyary-Kossa Historic Book Collection
In 1894 a special collection was founded in the College of Veterinary Science, and it was named after Gyula Magyary-Kossa, professor of pharmacology and the most prominent head of the library ever since. 3586 titles (6352 volumes) were enumerated in his catalogue, edited in 1901. His other bibliography, entitled “Magyar állatorvosi könyvészet” is giving an overall picture of a Hungarian veterinary literature from 1472 to 1904, which is unique not only in the history of Hungarian veterinary science, but also all over the world.
An application of the Ministry of Informatics and Communications created the possibility to digitize a few works of this collection. These works are the most endangered, being 3-400 years old, and at the same time the most precious ones.
The library would like to share these treasures with the veterinary community and make research possible also for scholars living abroad or far from our collection. We attempted to make electronic copies as close to the original as possible to enhance research, and to provide an experience close to touching the real items with their beautiful illustrations.
These editions prove by their mere existence that Hungarian veterinary science and education both matched international standards in quality already in the 18th century.
The whole collection is located on the library’s website and thus, is accessable free of charge through the internet. If you need further information feel free to contact us.
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