Details of the tender
Project code: EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00008
Project Title: “Investigating neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative processes: from the molecule to the bedside”
The aim of the project is to explore and understand the mechanistic and structural links between neurodegenerative diseases and specific cognitive functions. It will also shed light on the possibility of correlating imaging and ultrastructural studies in laboratory and domestic animals. It has long-term economic and health implications, knowing the prevalence of neurodegenerative and mental diseases and the associated social security expenditure.
Beneficiary: University of Pécs (Consortium Leader)
University of Veterinary Medicine (Consortium Member)
Kaposi Mór Teaching Hospital of Somogy County (Consortium Member)
Amount of the grant: HUF 1 255 689 470
Aid intensity: 100%
Project start date: 01. July 2017
Project end date: 30. September 2021.