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Title: HOw to REduce food waste and CAtalyse actors in the hospitality and food services sector

Project ID: 101112149
Call: SMP-FOOD-2022-FWStakeholders-AG

Consortium Leader: ALIMENTIS Ltd. (ALIM)
Consortium members:
Hungarian Food Bank Association (HFBA)
InDeRe Food Research and Innovation Institute Non-profit Ltd. (INDERE)
Munch Europe Ltd. (MUNCH)
Associated Partner:
University of Veterinary Sciences (UVMB)

Grant amount awarded: 380.331,50 €
Funding rate: 50%

1st January 2023–31st December 2024

The project aims to target food waste reduction in the hospitality and food services sectors. The project actions will focus on donation possibilities in the HORECA and event catering sub-sectors, as well as consumer food waste reduction in school canteen settings. The small amount of food surplus that is often generated in the sector is most of the time perfectly suitable for human consumption, but due to the lack of a proper managerial and redistribution system, it often becomes waste. The valorization of these food items requires a high level of attention and an advanced logistics system in order to comply with food safety requirements. The first pillar of the project aims to develop the organisational structure of a new donation model that corresponds to the characteristics of the sector. The objectives involve the enhancement of food donation through a community-based approach and the development of the logistical system for blast chiller equipment. Food consumption behaviour in the school canteens is influenced by a set of complex mechanisms, such as consumer expectations, preferences, the available time, the temperature of the food, the amount of food, and social norms. The second pillar of the project will target food waste reduction in school canteens by conducting an initial food waste diagnosis and testing awareness-raising intervention actions.