Biologist M.Sc.
Rottenbiller str. 50. 1st floor, door 21
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I am Emese Balogh, a PhD student at the Department of Zoology. I graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine as a biologist in 2022. I completed my undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Horticultural Engineering of Szent István University, where my main research area was the study of the molecular system that determines self-sterility in the Rosaceae family. In 2020, I joined the Lendület Evolutionary Ecology Research Group as a master’s student. Since then, I have mainly been investigating the molecular mechanisms of sex change in amphibians.
Main research fields:
- Molecular ecology
- Evolution biology
- Evolution of ivardetermination systems
- Conservation genetics
2023 – Biologist at Department of Zoology at University of Veternary Medicine Budapest
2022 – PhD Student at Department of Zoology at University of Veternary Medicine Budapest
2020-2022 – Biologist MSc, University of Veternary Medicine Budapest
2016-2019 – Szent István University, horticultural engineer
Publication list:
Nemesházi E., Sramkó G., Laczkó L., Balogh E., Szatmári L., Vili N,, Ujhegyi N., Üveges B., Bókony V. 2022. Novel genetic sex markers reveal unexpected lack of, and similar susceptibility to, sex reversal in free-living common toads in both natural and anthropogenic habitats. Molecular Ecology 31: 2032-2043.
Halász J., Balogh E., Makovics-Zsohár N. Hegedűs A. 2019. S-genotyping of Hungarian sour cherry cultivars. Acta Horticulturae 1231: 161-166.
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