Dr. Dobra Péter Ferenc
doctor of veterinary medicine, specialist in poultry health
Building E/2., 1st floor left
Main research areas:
I mainly participate in research related to poultry species.
I started working at the Department in the fall of 2015. In the beginning, I was involved in the diagnostic work, as well as performed tasks as an autopsy master. From 2016, I teach General Pathology exercises, Pathology 1-3 exercises and plenary exercises, and from 2021 Pathology 2 lectures, in Hungarian and English. From 2018, I will give laboratory diagnostic practice for 11th semester students in Hungarian and English. In 2019, I graduated as a poultry health specialist, and since then I have been responsible for poultry diagnostics and participating in experiments. Since 2017, I have been receiving theses for evaluation, and from 2020 I will also participate in the work of the department as a supervisor of graduate students with theses.
Number of thesis/TDK students to date:
Supervision of 1 thesis graduate student (2 additional theses in progress)
Publication list
1. | Mándoki M, Dénes L, Dobra PF, Gál J (2019): Vírusos bélgyulladások egyes tyúkalakú madárfajokban, Irodalmi áttekintés és saját vizsgálatok fácánokban. Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja. 141:523-531 |