Dr. Gáspárdy András
Ph.D., teacher with habilitation
Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
head of department, associate professor
Building J III. Floor 309.
In 1994, I joined the Department of Animal Breeding under the leadership of Professor Imre Bodó. Here I was gradually involved in teaching, while at the same time I continued to collaborate with national and foreign experts in my research.
Currently, as an Associate Professor, I am heading the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics and I am involved in the higher education and training of the next generation of professionals.
Diploma, University of Agricultural Sciences, Gödöllő, (1988)
Doctorate (Dr. agr. univ.), University of Agricultural Sciences, Gödöllő, 1992 (1991)
“Linear models in animal breeding” Lecturer: L.R. Schaeffer, University of Guelph, Prague, August 1995.
“The design and economics of animal breeding strategies” Lecturer: J.P. Gibson, University of Guelph, Prague, September 1995.
Austria (1994): “Prüfungen der Lebensleistung und Nutzungsdauer beim Rind”, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, ÖAD (a three-month scholarship). The greatest benefit of the study trip was the high quality of my Ph.D. thesis. The life science research area covered here continues to maintain a collaboration, with several joint international appearances.
Israel (1997): “Intensive Dairy Cattle and Sheep Production”, Shefayim, CINADCO (a five-week scholarship). The study tour gave an insight into Israeli cattle and sheep breeding, which in many ways is the world leader in dairy production. The impressive results were very useful for me professionally and I will use the experience gained here in my daily teaching and in the implementation of my research. Since then, I have worked with several Israeli thesis students in this field.
Scientific degree:
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), University of Agricultural Sciences, Gödöllő, 1997 (1995)
Main research areas:
I evaluated mainly the performance (life performance) of dairy and beef cattle, supplemented by online recording of indicators and artificial modification of the environment, and then the genetic diversity of endangered, special situation herds.
In collaboration with other departments of the University, I have also been involved in the study of reproductive biology indicators of farm animals, their biometric processing, and the estimation of their genetic parameters.
In addition, with my thesis students, I study many particular areas of animal production.
Habilitation (Dr. habil.), University of Szent István, 2004
Proofreading of journal manuscripts: Acta Agronomica Óváriansis, Állattenyésztés és Takarmányozás, Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja, Animal Welfare, Etológia és Tartástechnológia, Animal Science and Biotechnologies, Small Ruminant Research, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, Animals, Antioxidants, Archives of Animal Breeding, Biology, Veterinary Sciences, BMC Genomics, Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Science, Frontiers in Genetics, Genes
Name of organisation | Time interval | Position |
Hungarian Academy of Science (MTA) | 1997- | public board member |
MTA Committee for Animal Sciences | 2014-2017, 2020- | committee member |
Association of Hungarian Sheep and Goat Breeders’ (MÁSZ) | 1995-, 2004-2008, 2007-, 2013- | breeder member, delegate, member of the Committee for native breeds, leader of Tsigai breed group |
Committee for History of Animal Husbandry (MÁSZ)
| 2004-, 2017- | member, chairman |
Hungarian Laboratory Animal Science Association | 2003- | member |
Doctoral School in Veterinary Science – University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest | 2006- | internal member |
Wittman Antal Multidisciplinary Doctoral School in Plant-, Animal- and Food Science, Széchenyi University | 2012- | supervisor |
Doctoral School in Animal Production Science, Debrecen University | 2012- | supervisor |
DAGENE – International Association for the Conservation of Animal Breeds in the Danubian Region | 1998-, 2010-2018, 2018- | ordinary member, secretary, chairman |
SAVE – Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe | 2009- | member of Board of Directors |
Danubian Animal Genetic Resources | 2016- | Editor-in-Chief |
Journal of Veterinarski Glasnik | 2017- | member of the Scientific Editorial Board |
Slovak Journal of Animal Science | 2021- | member of the Editorial Board |
Number of students (theses and Students’ Scientific Association a.k.a. TDK):
- Theses: 100
- TDK: 20
Number of PhD students:
Graduated student (4) (Nemes Zsolt 0.5; Ari Melinda 0.5; Kovács Endre 0.5; Gabriella Korsós 0.5)
Current students (3) (Janka Békefi 0.5; Edina Kárpáti 0.5; Levente Harmat 1)
Publication list (TOP10) and MTMT
1. | Harmat L, Nagy J, Alpár A, Somoskői B, Fekete S Gy, Gáspárdy A (2024): Determination of Rhythmicity and Gestational Stage-Related Distribution of Blood Plasma Melatonin Concentrations in Donkey Mares. Veterinary Sciences. 11 (7):310. https://doi.org/10.3390/vetsci11070310 IF=2,4 [Q1] |
2. | Gáspárdy A, Gallagher G, Bartha B, Haaland H, Fekete SGy (2024): The effect of supplemental lighting during the late gestation period on post-partum mechanical properties of mare and foal guard hair. Veterinary Sciences. 11(1), 49; https://doi.org/10.3390/vetsci11010049 IF=2,4 [Q1] |
3. | Gáspárdy A, Wagenhoffer Zs, Fürlinger D, Halmágyi M, Bodó I, Maróti-Agóts Á (2023): Matrilineal Composition of the Reconstructed Stock of the Szekler Horse Breed. Agriculture 13(2), 456 https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13020456 IF=3,408 [Q2] |
4. | Gáspárdy A, Zenke P, Kovács E, Annus K, Posta J, Sáfár L, Maróti-Agóts Á (2022): Evaluation of maternal genetic background of two Hungarian autochthonous sheep breeds came from different geographical directions. Animals, 12(3), 218; DOI: 10.3390/ani12030218 IF=2,752 [Q1] |
5. | Gáspárdy A, Berger B, Zabavnik-Piano Jelka, Kovács E, Annus K, Zenke P, Sáfár L, Maróti-Agóts Ákos (2021): Comparison of mtDNA control region among descendant breeds of the extinct Zaupel sheep revealed haplogroup C and D in Central Europe. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 7, 2330-2338. DOI: 10.1002/vms3.585 IF=1,95 [Q2] |
6. | Gáspárdy A, Renkó E, Somoskői B, Bába A, Cseh S (2020): Practical experience with artificial insemination (AI) using fresh chilled and frozen semen in mares. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 68:1, 85-90 IF=0.991[Q2] |
7. | Gáspárdy A, Holly V, Zenke P, Maróti-Agóts Á, Sáfár L, Bali Papp Á, Kovács E (2018): The response of prion genic variation to selection for scrapie resistance in Hungarian indigenous sheep breeds. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 66:4, 562-572. IF=0,814 [Q2] |
8. | Gáspárdy A, Efrat G, Bajcsy Á Cs, Fekete S Gy (2014): Electronic monitoring of rumination activity as an indicator of health status and production traits in high-yielding dairy cows. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 62:4, 452-462. IF=0,814 [Q2] |
9. | Gáspárdy A, Ismach G, Bajcsy ÁCs, Veress Gy, Márkus Sz, Komlósi I (2012): Evaluation of the on-line electrical conductivity of milk in mastitic dairy cows. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 60:1, 145-155. IF=0,814 [Q2] |
10. | Gáspárdy A, Schwartz Z, Zöldág L, Veresegyházy T, Fekete S (2004):Changes in daily energy amounts of main milk components (lactose, protein and fat) during the lactation of high yielding dairy cows. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 52:4, 457-467. IF=0.152 [Q3] |