Dr. Horváth Dávid Géza
teaching assistant, PhD student
Building E/2 1st floor left side
Since 2020, I have been teaching pathology exercises for third- and fourth-year veterinary students, and laboratory diagnostics for 11th semester students in Hungarian and English.
Main research areas
Veterinary application of digital pathology, especially in the case of histopathological changes of some viral swine diseases.
As a student, I participated in the mentor program, and as a demonstrator, I assisted in the autopsy exercises of third-year students. In 2020, I graduated with a summa cum laude degree in veterinary medicine and started working at the Department of Pathology. I was first employed as a departmental veterinarian, then in the same year I was admitted to the PhD course. My topic is digital section analysis in veterinary pathology.
Number of thesis/TDK students to date:
Supervision of 1 thesis graduate student
Publication list
1. | Dénes L, Horváth DG, Duran O, Ratkhjen PH, Kraft C, Acs B, Szász AM, Rümenapf T, Papp M, Ladinig A, Balka G (2021): In Situ Hybridization of PRRSV-1 Combined with Digital Image Analysis in Lung Tissues of Pigs Challenged with PRRSV-1. Veterinary Science. 8:235 |
2. | Horváth DG, Sós E, Dénes L, Dán Á, Biksi I, Balka G (2020): Az elefántok endotheliotropikus herpeszvírusa, Irodalmi összefoglaló. Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja. 142:303-312 |
3. | Horváth DG, Tóth G, Lencse Z, Balka G (2021): Multirezisztens Enterococcus faecium okozta gerincvelőburok-gyulladás kutyában. Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja. 143:451-464 |