dr. Kővágó Csaba
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Dr. Csaba Kővágó, after completing his veterinary doctoral studies, began his PhD research in the Virology Division of the Department of Epidemiology and Microbiology at the University. Between 2004 and 2005, he worked as a research fellow in the United States at NASA’s Ames Research Center. He was awarded his PhD in 2016, at which time his interest shifted towards metallurgy, welding, and the occupational safety-toxicological aspects of these fields. Between 2016 and 2018, he obtained a Welding Qualification, and in 2018, he secured the NKFIH FK_18 grant titled: “Investigation of the Respiratory and Systemic Effects of Welding Fumes in a Mouse Model with Particular Focus on Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding, Ozone Emissions, and Metal Fume Fever Syndrome.”
Dr. Csaba Kővágó is a member of the Hungarian Association for Laboratory Animal Science, the Interdisciplinary Committee on Occupational Safety in Welding, and the Hungarian Welding Association (MAHEG). Since 2019, he has served as the Hungarian delegate to the International Institute of Welding (IIW) Commission C-VIII, “Health, Safety, and Environment.”
Currently, his research focuses on the biological effects of gas and fume emissions released during welding, specifically examining the kinetic behavior of metals present in these emissions following inhalation. An essential area of his research involves elucidating the pathogenesis of “metal fume fever” caused by the inhalation of zinc-containing dust and fumes. In this context, his PhD student, Dr. Éva Szűcs-Somlyó, successfully defended her dissertation in December 2024, titled “Investigation of the Immunotoxicological Effects of Metal Oxide Particles, Especially ZnO Inhalation.”
2004 – 2012 | department veterinarian |
2012 – 2016 | research Assistant |
2016 – | research associate |
Number of TDK’s students: 3
Publication list (Top10)
MTMT: https://m2.mtmt.hu/gui2/?type=authors&mode=browse&sel=authors10023379
1. | Szucs-Somlyo, Eva ; Lehel, Jozsef ; Majlinger, Kornel ; Lorincz, Marta ; Kovago, Csaba ✉ Metal-oxide inhalation induced fever-Immuntoxicological aspects of welding fumes FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 175 Paper: 113722 , 11 p. (2023) |
2. | Szűcs-Somlyó, É. ; Lehel, J. ✉ ; Májlinger, K. ; Tóth, F. ; Jerzsele, Á. ; Kővágó, C. Immune response to zinc oxide inhalation in metal fume fever, and the possible role of IL-17f SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 : 1 Paper: 22239 , 11 p. (2023) |
3. | Kővágó, Csaba ✉ ; Szekeres, Barbara ; Szűcs-Somlyó, Éva ; Májlinger, Kornél ; Jerzsele, Ákos ; Lehel, József Preliminary study to investigate the distribution and effects of certain metals after inhalation of welding fumes in mice ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 29 pp. 49147-49160. , 14 p. (2022) |
4. | Mackei, Máté ; Molnár, Andor ; Nagy, Szabolcs ; Pál, László ; Kővágó, Csaba ; Gálfi, Péter ; Dublecz, Károly ; Husvéth, Ferenc ; Neogrády, Zsuzsanna ; Mátis, Gábor Effects of Acute Heat Stress on a Newly Established Chicken Hepatocyte – Nonparenchymal Cell Co Culture Model ANIMALS 10 : 3 Paper: 409 , 16 p. (2020) |
5. | Szekeres, B. G. ; Szűcs-Somlyó, É. ; Lehel, J. ; Kővágó, Cs. Nanorészecskék – múlt, jelen, jövő EGÉSZSÉGTUDOMÁNY 64 : 1-2 pp. 16-38. , 23 p. (2020) |
6. | Kővágó, Csaba ; Májlinger, Kornél ; Lehel, József A hegesztési füst szilárd részecskéinek egészségügyi hatásai a szakirodalom és saját vizsgálat tükrében HEGESZTÉSTECHNIKA 30 : 3 pp. 92-95. , 4 p. (2019) |
7. | Kővágó, Cs. ; Májlinger, K. ; Lehel, J. Ívfény által keltett szervetlen emisszió toxikokinetikájának vizsgálata állatmodellben In: Magyar Toxikológusok Társasága (szerk.) TOX’2018 Tudományos Konferencia Program, kivonatok (2018) p. 64 Paper: C1-8 , 1 p. |
8. | Kővágó, Csaba ; Cserti, Sándor ; Rusvai, Miklós A borjak újszülöttkori panyctopeniája néven ismert kórkép egy szokatlan formájának hazai előfordulása MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 140 : Suppl 1 pp. 194-200. , 7 p. (2018) |
9. | Kővágó, Csaba ; Hornyák, Ákos ; Kékesi, Violetta ; Rusvai, Miklós Demonstration of homologous recombination events in the evolution of bovine viral diarrhoea virus by in silico investigations ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA 64 : 3 pp. 401-414. , 14 p. (2016) |
10. | Meggyeshazi, N ; Andocs, G ; Kovago, C ; Balogh, L ; Krenacs, T Modulated electrohyperthermia induced immunogenic cell death specific signals in colorectal adenocarcinoma model EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER 50 : Suppl. 5 pp. S81-S82. (2014) |
(Updated: January 2025)