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Dr. Kutszegi Gergely József

Department of Botany
research fellow
1st floor, room 12, Rottenbiller utca 50
+361 478 4235
+361 478 4238


As a researcher and teacher, I work at the Botany Department of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest since 2017. For veterinary students, I give botany lectures and practical lessons both in English and in Hungarian. I teach biologists (zoologists) for fungal taxonomy, fungal ecology, cladistics, and forest ecology. Since 2020, completely renewed, I restarted the optional (C) course “Identification of edible and poisonous fungi”, during which vets, biologists, and zoologists can acquire not only theoretical knowledge about species identification, but also a practical routine in using a light microscope. During this course, botany lectures for vets, and specified courses for certified mushroom harvesters performed by the Hungarian Mycological Society, I lecture mycotoxicology. – In my spare time, I go hiking, biking, junking and build my house.

Main research areas:

  • Habitat mapping of macrofungal species protected by law (red listed) in Hungary within the area of the Őrség National Park and the Kőszegi Mountains.
  • Reveal the environmental drivers of macrofungal species richness and species composition in managed, mixed forests of Őrség, West Hungary (PhD, Őrs-erdő project). Explore the environmental drivers of macrofungal sporocarp formation and substrate preference, as well as find relationships between the spatial distribution of sporocarps and the spatial pattern of tree individuals.
  • In the project entitled „The amount of dead wood and its effect on biodiversity in the Hungarian Carpathians”, complete the field measurements of dead wood volumes in managed forest stands and studying the substrate and host tree preferences of wood-inhabiting polypores. Explore and compare the environmental drivers of wood-inhabiting polypore species composition in different habitats.


Workplaces Name of institution Positions
2010–2012 Doctorate School in Biology (Eötvös Loránd University), Ecology, Conservation Biology and Taxonomy PhD program, Department of Plant Systematics, Ecology and Theoretical Biology PhD-student
2002–2003 mushroom identification course was supervised by the Hungarian Mycological Society and the Eötvös Loránd University Certified mushroom harvester
2002–2008 Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science.  Specification: Experimental Plant Biology, Mycology Student, Degree: biologist, MSc.
1998–2002 Óbuda Secondary School, Budapest Student


Professional membership

Committee Time Post
Erdei Gombász Tanoda (an accredited college on field mycology in Hungary) 2021– teacher
European Talent Centre, Hungary region, program: “Tehetségbónusz” 2011– mentor
Hungarian Society for Microscopy 2007–2008 member
Hungarian Mycological Society 2005– member, teacher

Previous dissertation / number of TDK students: 2


Publication list (Top10)


author, title, place of publication document type year of publication  IF: number of independent citations
1. Kutszegi, G., Siller, I., Dima, B., Merényi, Zs., Varga, T., Takács, K., Turcsányi, G., Bidló, A., Ódor, P. Revealing hidden drivers of macrofungal species richness by analyzing fungal guilds in temperate forests, West Hungary. – Community Ecology 22, 13–28. scientific paper 2021 1,185
2. Tinya, F., Kovács, B., Bidló, A., Dima, B., Király, I., Kutszegi, G., Lakatos, F., Mag, Zs., Márialigeti, S., Nascimbene, J., Samu, F., Siller, I., Szél, Gy., Ódor, P. (2021): Environmental drivers of forest biodiversity in temperate mixed forests – A multi-taxon approach. – Science of the Total Environment 795, 148720. scientific paper 2021 7,963 4
3. Kutszegi, G. Wheels for genus identification and presenting diversity in kingdom Fungi. – Conservation Biology 34(3), 773–774. scientific paper 2020 6,560
4. Kutszegi G., Papp V. Erdőgazdálkodási javaslatok a nagygombák funkcionális és faji sokféleségének megőrzésére. In Korda M. (szerk.): Az erdőgazdálkodás hatása az erdők biológiai sokféleségére: Tanulmánygyűjtemény, Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság, Budapest, pp 33–56. book chapter 2016
5. Kutszegi G., Siller I., Dima B., Ódor P. Nagygombák. In Ódor P. (szerk.): A biodiverzitást meghatározó környezeti változók vizsgálata az őrségi erdőkben, MTA Ökológiai Kutatóközpont Tanulmányai 2, MTA Ökológiai Kutatóközpont, Tihany, pp 36–40. book chapter 2015
6. Kutszegi, G., Siller, I., Dima, B., Takács, K., Merényi, Zs., Varga, T., Turcsányi, G., Bidló, A., Ódor, P. Drivers of macrofungal species composition in temperate forests, West Hungary: functional groups compared. – Fungal Ecology 17: 69–83. scientific paper 2015 2,992 41
7. Szűcs P., József J., Papp V. G., Kutszegi G. A veszélyeztetett Anacamptodon splachnoides (Froel. ex Brid.) Brid. új adata a Bükk-hegységből. – Kitaibelia 20(2), 202–205. scientific paper 2015 3
8. Siller, I., Kutszegi, G., Takács, K., Varga, T., Merényi, Zs., Turcsányi, G., Ódor, P., Dima, B. Sixty-one macrofungi species new to Hungary in Őrség National Park. – Mycosphere 4(5): 871–924. scientific paper 2013 5
9. Kutszegi G., Dima B. A Bankeraceae család (Basidiomycota) irodalmi áttekintése és morfológiai jellemzése, a magyarországi fajok elterjedési adatai és határozókulcsa. – Mikológiai Közlemények, Clusiana 47(2): 149–180. scientific paper 2008 6



Dr. Kutszegi G. J_CV_Hun_20250127

Consulting hours:

Every weeks on Monday am. 10-12 hours.


MTMT (full list of publications)