Dr. Maróti-Agóts Ákos
Building J 3rd floor, Room J-305
Veterinarian (2003)
Research: Video Aided Measurements, phylogenetic studies of mitochondrial genetic material using the bovine species, domestic and companion animals hereditary diseases diagnostics, canine movement analysis, conformation analysis VAM
Exercise: molecular diagnosis of hereditary diseases, conformation judging, kind of school
Degree Year of PhD: 2011 University/Institution: SzIE-ÁOTK PhD registration number: 42/2011 Title of the PhD dissertation: Phenotypical and genotypical investigation of th Hungarian Grey cattle breed Languages English Intermediate Level Write and read (C) German Intermediate Level Write and read (C) Qualifications 2002 DVM Workplaces 2003 – SzIU- Faculty of Veterinary Science Position: doktorandus 2006 – SzIU- Faculty of Veterinary Science Position: intézeti állatorvos – kutató Specialty genetics of breeding, gene preservation, 3D images of animals ENG: Aggressive dog breeds and this problem regulation in Sweden Maria Eriksson
2011 Ákos Maróti-Agóts, Imre Bodó, Levente Jávorka, Alice Gyurmán, M I Soysal, László Zöldág: Video Aided Measurement Method for Characterization of Phenotypical Traits of an Indigenous Cattle Breed, JOURNAL OF TEKIRDAG AGRICULTURAL FACULTY 8:(3) pp. 35-39., 2011 Dokumentum típusa: folyóiratcikk
2011 Béri B, Bodó I, Gera I, Maróti-Agóts Á, Radácsi A: Podolic cattle: Characterisation of indigenous and improved breeds, Debrecen University Centre for Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Agriculture, 2011 Dokumentum típusa: könyv
2011 Maróti-Agóts Á, Bodó I, Jávorka L, Gyurmán A, Solymosi N, Zenke P, Skogseth M, Zöldág L: Possible genetic sign of heat stress adaptation in Hungarian Grey Bos taurus breed, ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA 62:(1) pp. 65-72., 2011 Dokumentum típusa: folyóiratcikk
2010 Pariset L, Mariotti M, Nardone A, Soysal MI, Ozkan E, Williams JL, Dunner S, Leveziel H, Maroti-Agots A, Bodo I, Valentini A: Relationships between Podolic cattle breeds assessed by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) genotyping., JOURNAL OF ANIMAL BREEDING AND GENETICS-ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR TIERZUCHTUNG UND ZUCHTUNGSBIOLOGIE 127:(6) pp. 481-488., 2010 Dokumentum típusa: folyóiratcikk
2010 Solymosi N, Torma C, Kern A, Maróti-Agóts Á, Barcza Z, Könyves L, Berke O, Reiczigel J: Changing climate in Hungary and trends in the annual number of heat stress days., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY 54:(4) pp. 423-431., 2010 Dokumentum típusa: folyóiratcikk
2010 Solymosi N, Wagner SE, Maróti-Agóts Á, Allepuz A: maps2WinBUGS: a QGIS plugin to facilitate data processing for Bayesian spatial modeling, ECOGRAPHY 33:(6) pp. 1093-1096., 2010
2009 Maróti-Agóts Á, Skogseth M, Solymosi N, Bodó I, Zöldág L: Climate changes and heat stress adaptation – hsp 70 polymorphisms in Podolic cattles, Proceedings of International Congress “On the tracks of Grey Podolic cattle” pp 227-231, 2009
2009 Židek R, Trandžík J, Buleca Jr J, Maróti-Agóts Á, Jakabová-Šátková D, Bulla J, Zöldág L: Hagyományos mikroszatellita markerek és kvantitív génhelyek (QTL-ek) alkalmazhatósága a sertésgenetikai kutatásokban (Application of conventional microsatellite markers and quantitative trait loci in porcine genetic research), MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 131:(10) pp. 624-632., 2009
2008 Maróti-Agóts Á, Zöldág L, Solymosi N, Egyed B: Effect of different sampling methods on cattle mtDNA phylogenetic studies, 59th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2008. augusztus 24-25., 2008
2008 Solymosi N, Kern A, Maróti-Agtós Á, Horváth L, Erdélyi K: TETYN: An easy to use tool for extracting climatic parameters from Tyndall data sets, ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE 23:(7) pp. 948-949., 2008