Dr. Német Zoltán László
veterinarian, poultry health specialist, PhD
university assistant professor
Livestock Diagnostic Center, 2225 Üllő, Dóra major
Educational activity:
– general and detailed pathology | training in Hungarian and English
– large animal pathology exercises | ARC. grade, Hungarian and English language training
– management of diploma and TDK theses | training in Hungarian and English
Area of interest:
– animal health management of large-scale rabbit herds
– pathological diagnosis of rabbits kept as farm animals
Main research areas:
– bacteriological diagnostics of livestock diseases
– genomic analysis of bacteria isolated from farm animals
– development of agricultural IT systems
Publication list (Top10)
1. | Német, Z. ✉ ; Albert, E. ; Dán, Á. ; Balka, G. ; Szenes, Á. ; Sipos, R. ; Bódizs, S. ; Biksi, I. Genomic analysis of staphylococcus aureus strains originating from hungarian rabbit farms reinforce the clonal origin of various virulence types ANIMALS 10 : 7 pp. 1-13. Paper: 1128 , 13 p. (2020) |
2. | Albert, Ervin ; Biksi, Imre ; Nemet, Zoltan ; Csuka, Edit ; Kelemen, Bernadett ; Morvay, Flora ; Bakos, Zoltan ; Bodo, Gabor ; Toth, Balazs ; Collaud, Alexandra et al. Outbreaks of a Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clone ST398-t011 in a Hungarian Equine Clinic: Emergence of Rifampicin and Chloramphenicol Resistance After Treatment with These Antibiotics MICROBIAL DRUG RESISTANCE 25 : 8 pp. 1219-1226. , 8 p. (2019) |
3. | Német, Zoltán László ; Magyar, Károly György ; Albert, Mihály Degeneratív izomszöveti elváltozások oktanának vizsgálata nagyüzemi broilercsirke-állományban MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 141 : 10 pp. 597-606. , 10 p. (2019) |
34.. | Nemet, Z ; Albert, E ; Nagy, T ; Olasz, F ; Barta, E ; Kiss, J ; Dan, A ; Banyai, K ; Hermans, K ; Biksi, I Draft Genome Sequence of an Atypical Highly Virulent Rabbit Staphylococcus aureus Strain. GENOME ANNOUNCEMENTS 5 : 42 Paper: e01049-17 (2017) |
5. | Német, Zoltán ; Albert, Ervin ; Nagy, Krisztina ; Csuka, Edit ; Dán, Ádám ; Szenci, Ottó ; Hermans, Katleen ; Balka, Gyula ; Biksi, Imre Virulence type and tissue tropism of Staphylococcus strains originating from Hungarian rabbit farms VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY 193 pp. 1-6. , 6 p. (2016) |
6. | Dip, R ; Nemet, Z ; Schiessl, B ; Klein, U ; Strehlau, G Efficacy and tolerability of early administration of valnemulin hydrochloride premix on epizootic rabbit enteropathy VETERINARY JOURNAL 204 : 3 pp. 309-314. , 6 p. (2015) |
7. | Nemet, Z ; Albert, E ; Nagy, T ; Olasz, F ; Barta, E ; Kiss, J ; Dan, A ; Banyai, K ; Hermans, K ; Biksi, I Draft Genome Sequence of a Highly Virulent Rabbit Staphylococcus aureus Strain. GENOME ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 : 4 Paper: e00461-15 , 2 p. (2015) |
8. | Sándor, Hornok ; Anita, Mester ; Nóra, Takács ; Ferenc, Baska ; Gábor, Majoros ; Éva, Fok ; Imre, Biksi ; Zoltán, Német ; Ákos, Hornyák ; Szilárd, Jánosi et al. Sarcocystis-infection of cattle in Hungary PARASITES AND VECTORS 8 Paper: 69 , 6 p. (2015) |
9. | Német, Zoltán ; Szenci, Ottó ; Biksi, Imre A házinyúl staphylococcosisa : Irodalmi áttekintés és hazai tapasztalatok: Irodalmi áttekintés és hazai tapasztalatok Staphylococcosis in domestic rabbit. Literature review and domestic experiences MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA 133 : 12 pp. 720-726. , 7 p. (2011) |
10. | Z, Német ; O, Szenci ; A, Horváth ; L, Makrai ; T, Kis ; B, Tóth ; I, Biksi Outbreak of Klebsiella oxytoca enterocolitis on a rabbit farm in Hungary VETERINARY RECORD 168 : 9 pp. 243-243. , 1 p. (2011) |