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About Us Staff Neogrády Zsuzsanna

Dr. Neogrády Zsuzsanna

candidate of sciences
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
associate professor
Division of Biochemistry
associate professor
Rottenbiller street 50. 1st Floor, Room 27
+361 478 4157
+361 478 4100 / 8431
+361 478 4165


Degrees and honours:

1975 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
1983 British Council Fellowship (Research Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham Cambridge, England and Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland)
1986 Fellowship at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover
1991 PhD in Veterinary Science
2000-2003 Szechenyi Professor Stipend
2009 Habilitation

2010- permanently: Erasmus grants: University of Hohenheim Stuttgart

Scientific activity:

Membership: Society of Physiology, Hungary
Hungarian Biochemical Society
Papers: 137 primary publications in referred joumals
9 book chapters and university notebooks
109 conference abstracts
scientific citation index: 238
total impact factor: 57.3

International collaborrations and connections:

-Continuous scientific cooperation with the groups of rumen physiologist, biochemists and human gastroenterologists at the University (High School) of Berlin, Hannover, Leipzig Wienna, Aberdeen, Sendai, Stuttgart and Lublin
-EC COST 909 Scientific Collaboration, (1992-1994)
-OMFB-British Council TÉT (NP- 753/94-GB) Scientific Cooperation, (1993- 1995)
-MÖB-British Council No 145 Scientific Cooperation, (1995-1998)
-Austrian-Hungarian Scientific Foundation 32 ÖU17 (1998)
-Grant for preparation Austrian-Hungarian-EU-project (2000-2001)
-Austrian-Hungarian TET project (2000-2001)
-Austrian-Hungarian TET project (2002-2003)
-Austrian-Hungarian TET project (2004-2006)
-French-Hungarian TET project (2004-2006)

-International OTKA project (German-Hungarian) (2015-2018)
2010- permanently:

-Scientific cooperation with the Department of Physiology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover: Team Prof. Breves

-Functional Anatomy of Livestocks, Faculty of Agricultural Science University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart: Team Prof. Korinna Huber,

-Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Life Sciences, Lublin: Prof. Marta Kankofer


Research interest:

Culturing and characterization of epithelial cells, especially rumen epithelial cells (REC); effects of different metabolites and hormones on the growing of REC; in vivo studies on the factors (short chain fatty acids and hormones) altering the physiological state and functions of the rumen epithelium; plant lectin binding of the REC; physiological activity of plant lectins on the REC. Effect of short chain fatty acid ad other histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors on primary epithelial cells cultures and different cell lines. Effects of HDAC inhibitors, antioxidants, proxidants on free radical, ROS/RNS , apoptosis and necrosis of gastrointestinal cell lines.

Hepatocytes and non-parerchymal cells (such as Kupffer cells) obtained from different animal species were isolated, characterized and cultured as primary mono- and co-cultures in 2D (two-dimensional) and 3D (three-dimensional) models. Influences of heat stress, mycotoxins and bacterial or viral products on the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines; testing the effect of certain antimicrobial peptides and anti-inflammatory molecules in the above mentioned in vitro models.

Culturing of epithelial cells isolated from feline urinary bladder; characterization of the cultured cells and studying the pathological background of feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) by testing possible factors in the pathomechanism of the disease.

Teaching activity:

1979- permanently: lectures and practicals of Veterinary Biochemistry in English, Hungarian and German

Elective courses: Pathobiochemistry and Molecular Tumorbiology in English, Hungarian and German

Favorite hobby: travelling (Canada, USA, Japan, Europe)