Dr. Szilasi Anna
doctor of veterinary medicine, PhD
Building E/2., 1st floor left
I received my veterinary degree in 2014 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the then Szent István University. This year I started working as a departmental veterinarian at the Department of Pathology. After that, under the supervision of Dr. Gyula Balka, I have been working as a PhD student since September 2015, then as a department veterinarian from 2018, then as a university teaching assistant, and from 2022 as an assistant professor at the Department of Pathology of the University of Veterinary Medicine, where I have been actively involved in diagnostic work and education from the beginning , and in research. From 2014, in addition to pathology, I also gained clinical experience: first I participated in outpatient and intensive care for 2 years at the Department and Clinic of the University of Veterinary Medicine, then from 2016 I provided outpatient care for exotic animals at the Budatetény Veterinary Hospital until 2018. Currently, I give pathology, plenary and histopathology exercises as well as lectures in Hungarian and English for third- and fourth-year students. In the department, I am also responsible for performing and evaluating the necropsy part of animal experiments, as well as administrative activities related to education (website, Moodle, student contact).
Main research areas:
- Development of diagnostic procedures for the presence of feline retroviruses (FIV, FeLV), with a strong emphasis on molecular biology and in situ hybridization test methods
- Pathological examination of feline infectious diseases, with special regard to histopathological and molecular biological procedures
- Detection of feline viral diseases on Hungarian samples, prevalence studies (leukemia virus, immunodeficiency virus, hepadnavirus, morbillivirus, alpha and gamma herpesvirus)
- Pathological and molecular biological investigation of COVID-19 in domestic and wild felines
Graduation: Kosztolányi Dezső Elementary School and High School, Budapest, 2008
Higher education:
SZIE ÁOTK – Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, 2014, 73/2014
Scientific progress:
ÁTE – PhD, 2021 (Assessment of domestic occurrence of feline retroviruses using molecular biological methods, genetic testing of some viruses)
Professional organization membership
Committee name | Time | Rank |
Workplace Animal Welfare Committee | 2020– | member |
University Senate | 2020–2022; 2024– | member (assigned lecturer-researcher) |
University Website Committee | 2020– | memeber |
C.L. Davis and S.W. Thompson Foundation | 2021– | member |
Number of thesis/TDK students to date: 21
– Supervision of 21 thesis graduate students
– Topic supervision of 8 TDK theses
Number of PhD students to date: 0
Publication list (Top10) in chronological order
1. | Lakatos, B., Demeter, Z., Palade, A., Mari, V., Szilasi, A., Decaro, N., Rusvai, M.: A kutyák pantropikus coronavírusfertőzésének kimutatása Magyarországon, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 135. 41-47, 2013. |
2. | Szilasi A., Balka Gy.: A macskák retrovírus fertőzései: Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) Irodalmi áttekintés 1. rész, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 137. 351-360, 2015. |
3. | Szilasi A., Reinhard, E., Balka Gy.: A macskák retrovírus fertőzései: Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) Irodalmi áttekintés 2. rész, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 137. 729-738, 2015 |
4. | Szilasi, A., Dénes, L., Balka, Gy.: A macskák retrovírus fertőzései: Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) Irodalmi áttekintés, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 140. 457-472, 2018 |
5. | Dénes, L., Biksi, I., Albert, M., Szeredi, L., Knapp, D. G., Szilasi, A., Bálint, Á., Balka, Gy.: Detection and phylogenetic characterization of atypicalporcine pestivirus strains in Hungary, TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES, 65. 2039-2042, 2018 |
6. | Szilasi, A., Dénes, L., Krikó, E., Heenemann, K., Ertl, R., Mándoki, M., Vahlenkamp T. W., Balka, Gy.: Prevalence of feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukaemia virus in domestic cats in Hungary, JOURNAL OF FELINE MEDICINE AND SURGERY OPEN REPORTS, 5(2). 1-7, 2019. |
7. | Szilasi, A., Dénes, L., Jakab, Cs., Erdélyi, I., Resende, T., Vannucci, F., Csomor, J., Mándoki, M., Balka, Gy.: In situ hybridization of feline leukemia virus in a primary neural B-cell lymphoma, JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION, 32(3). 454-457, 2020 |
8. | Szilasi, A., Dénes, L., Krikó, E., Murray, C., Mándoki, M., Balka, Gy.: Prevalence of feline leukaemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus in domestic cats in Ireland, ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA, 68(4). 413-420, 2020 |
9. | Menyhért, Zs., Vizi, Zs., Szilasi, A.: Tüdő-leishmaniasis kutyában, Esetismertetés és irodalmi áttekintés, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 142. 163-176, 2020. |
10. | Dénes, L., Ruedas-Torres, I., Szilasi, A., Balka, Gy.: Detection and localization of atypical porcine pestivirus in the testicles of naturally infected, congenital tremor affected piglets, TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES, https://doi.org/10.1111/tbed.14355, 2021 |
MTMT ID: 10051881