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About Us Staff Szilasi Anna

Dr. Szilasi Anna

doctor of veterinary medicine, PhD
Department of Pathology
senior lecturer
Building E/2., 1st floor left
+361 478 4178
+361 478 4100 / 8366; 9424


I received my veterinary degree in 2014 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the then Szent István University. This year I started working as a departmental veterinarian at the Department of Pathology. After that, under the supervision of Dr. Gyula Balka, I have been working as a PhD student since September 2015, then as a department veterinarian from 2018, then as a university teaching assistant, and from 2022 as an assistant professor at the Department of Pathology of the University of Veterinary Medicine, where I have been actively involved in diagnostic work and education from the beginning , and in research. From 2014, in addition to pathology, I also gained clinical experience: first I participated in outpatient and intensive care for 2 years at the Department and Clinic of the University of Veterinary Medicine, then from 2016 I provided outpatient care for exotic animals at the Budatetény Veterinary Hospital until 2018. Currently, I give pathology, plenary and histopathology exercises as well as lectures in Hungarian and English for third- and fourth-year students. In the department, I am also responsible for performing and evaluating the necropsy part of animal experiments, as well as administrative activities related to education (website, Moodle, student contact).

Main research areas:

  • Development of diagnostic procedures for the presence of feline retroviruses (FIV, FeLV), with a strong emphasis on molecular biology and in situ hybridization test methods
  • Pathological examination of feline infectious diseases, with special regard to histopathological and molecular biological procedures
  • Detection of feline viral diseases on Hungarian samples, prevalence studies (leukemia virus, immunodeficiency virus, hepadnavirus, morbillivirus, alpha and gamma herpesvirus)
  • Pathological and molecular biological investigation of COVID-19 in domestic and wild felines


Graduation: Kosztolányi Dezső Elementary School and High School, Budapest, 2008

Higher education:

SZIE ÁOTK – Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, 2014, 73/2014

Scientific progress:

ÁTE – PhD, 2021 (Assessment of domestic occurrence of feline retroviruses using molecular biological methods, genetic testing of some viruses)

Professional organization membership

Committee name Time  Rank 
Workplace Animal Welfare Committee 2020–  member
University Senate



member (assigned lecturer-researcher)
University Website Committee 2020–  memeber
C.L. Davis and S.W. Thompson Foundation  2021–  member

Number of thesis/TDK students to date: 21

– Supervision of 21 thesis graduate students

– Topic supervision of 8 TDK theses

Number of PhD students to date: 0

Publication list (Top10) in chronological order

1. Lakatos, B., Demeter, Z., Palade, A., Mari, V., Szilasi, A., Decaro, N., Rusvai, M.: A kutyák pantropikus coronavírusfertőzésének kimutatása Magyarországon, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 135. 41-47, 2013. 
2. Szilasi A., Balka Gy.: A macskák retrovírus fertőzései: Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) Irodalmi áttekintés 1. rész, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 137. 351-360, 2015. 
3. Szilasi A., Reinhard, E., Balka Gy.: A macskák retrovírus fertőzései: Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) Irodalmi áttekintés 2. rész, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 137. 729-738, 2015 
4. Szilasi, A., Dénes, L., Balka, Gy.: A macskák retrovírus fertőzései: Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) Irodalmi áttekintés, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 140. 457-472, 2018 
5. Dénes, L., Biksi, I., Albert, M., Szeredi, L., Knapp, D. G., Szilasi, A., Bálint, Á., Balka, Gy.: Detection and phylogenetic characterization of atypicalporcine pestivirus strains in Hungary, TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES, 65. 2039-2042, 2018 
6. Szilasi, A., Dénes, L., Krikó, E., Heenemann, K., Ertl, R., Mándoki, M., Vahlenkamp T. W., Balka, Gy.: Prevalence of feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukaemia virus in domestic cats in Hungary, JOURNAL OF FELINE MEDICINE AND SURGERY OPEN REPORTS, 5(2). 1-7, 2019. 
7. Szilasi, A., Dénes, L., Jakab, Cs., Erdélyi, I., Resende, T., Vannucci, F., Csomor, J., Mándoki, M., Balka, Gy.: In situ hybridization of feline leukemia virus in a primary neural B-cell lymphoma, JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION, 32(3). 454-457, 2020 
8. Szilasi, A., Dénes, L., Krikó, E., Murray, C., Mándoki, M., Balka, Gy.: Prevalence of feline leukaemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus in domestic cats in Ireland, ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA, 68(4). 413-420, 2020 
9. Menyhért, Zs., Vizi, Zs., Szilasi, A.: Tüdő-leishmaniasis kutyában, Esetismertetés és irodalmi áttekintés, MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA, 142. 163-176, 2020. 
10. Dénes, L., Ruedas-Torres, I., Szilasi, A., Balka, Gy.: Detection and localization of atypical porcine pestivirus in the testicles of naturally infected, congenital tremor affected piglets, TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES,, 2021 


MTMT ID: 10051881