The University of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine and its Clinic
1. General part
The Department of Internal Medicine and Clinic of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is an independent organizational unit performing educational, scientific research and service tasks. In the spirit of the autonomy granted to university departments, within the framework of the relevant legislation, it performs its tasks in accordance with the present organizational and operating regulations prepared on the basis of the Organizational and Operational Regulations of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine /hereinafter Department regulations/.
1.1. Name of the department: Department of Internal Medicine and Clinic.
1.2. Headquarters: Budapest VII. István Street 2.
1.3. Its stamp: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Clinic with circular.
The department, as part of Hungarian veterinary education, is based on its more than two centuries of traditions and the work of its famous instructors (Sándor Tolnay, József Hoffner, Vilmos Zlamál, Ákos Azary, Ferenc Hutyra, but especially József Marek and János Mócsy) who played a significant role in the development of the field of science. he implements his tasks based on and following them.
1.4. The department is affiliated with:
-based on their employment, the department’s lecturers, researchers, professionals (veterinarians) and other employees,
-students of courses taught by the department,
-students participating in departmental internships or part-time training, as well as on-call service,
-Students of the Scientific Student Group who carry out scientific activities at the department,
– the departmental demonstrators, veterinary interns, PhD students
-titled lecturers and guest lecturers of the department,
– employees employed full-time or part-time with a commission contract,
-students of specialized veterinary courses and continuing education courses organized by the university and
2. Duties of the department
The compulsory subjects taught by the department are the following:
– veterinary internal medicine
-veterinary internal medicine diagnostics
– the basics of patient examination and patient care
-veterinary propaedeutics (only in German)
The department carries out the teaching of these subjects, the organization of education, the development of educational frameworks and forms, as well as the research work and service activities related to these specialized areas based on the university education program and the relevant general legislation. The duties of the department can be grouped as follows:
– education-further training;
– service tasks;
-departmental administrative tasks;
– economic work;
– other tasks;
2.1. The detailed list of the subjects taught by the department, the instructors of the subjects, the number of hours of the subjects and their place in the educational process, as well as the name of the department’s educational officer (see later) can be found in no. 1. included in the appendix.
2.2. Later chapters of the department regulations deal with more detailed regulation of research work in the department.
2.3. The clinic, which is an integral part of the department, and its three or four units (see later) perform service tasks in addition to teaching and research tasks. Within this framework, the department’s veterinarians carry out diagnostic and curative activities at the clinic, they are on call 24/7 in line with the capital’s animal health organization, and they are available to veterinarians and animal owners with expert advice.
A more detailed description of the department’s responsibilities can be found in the later chapters of this document
3. Organization and management of the department
3.1. The department consists of three non-independent departments and one group, as follows.
-Hospital Department
– Specialist clinics and Outpatient Department
– Instrumental Diagnostic Department
-Departmental administration group (hereafter Secretariat)
The clinical units perform their tasks within the framework of the operation of the Small Animal Clinic based on its regulations, together with the patient care departments of the other clinical departments.
3.1. The department council decides on the creation and termination of non-independent organizational units (departments, groups) within the department. With regard to the operation, manager and mandate of the non-independent organizational units, the Faculty regulation51. and 52, as well as the later point of these regulations are the governing ones. Among the listed units, the head of the department is appointed by the departmental council on the recommendation of the head of the department, while the head of the departments within the department is appointed by the head of the department. Regarding the duties of managers, the provisions of paragraph 52 of the Faculty Code of Conduct and the subsequent points of this Code of Conduct are the governing rules.
3.2. The deputy heads of the units listed (in point 3.1) and the heads of departments are appointed by the head of the department after prior consultation with the heads of the units and the officials of the departmental council. Their duties are basically the same as those of the head of the unit, and they replace him in his absence. Their other duties are contained in the later points of this document
The list of managers, their deputies and subordinate employees of non-independent organizational units can be found in No. 2. included in the appendix.
4. Management of the department
4.1. A tanszék vezető testületi szerve a tanszéki tanács. A tanszéki tanácsot a tanszék dolgozóinak értekezlete választja meg a Kari SZMSZ IV. fejezet, 6, B/a bekezdés 44.paragrafusában foglaltak szerint. Működésében, feladatkörében tisztségviselőinek megválasztásában a Kari SZMSZ44. és 45.paragrafusaiban valamint az V.fejezet 74. paragrafusában foglaltak az irányadók. A tanszéki tanács munkájában a Kari SZMSZ vonatkozó szabályainak figyelembe vételével részt vesznek a tanszék által oktatott évfolyamok hallgatói képviselői is. A tanszéki tanács megválasztott tagjait és tisztségviselőit a melléklet ismerteti.
4.1. The leading body of the department is the departmental council. The departmental council is elected by the meeting of the departmental staff of the Faculty regulation IV. according to the provisions of chapter 6, paragraph B/a, paragraph 44. In its operation and in the selection of its officers, the Faculty regulation44. and paragraphs 45 and 74 of Chapter V are the guidelines. Taking into account the relevant rules of the Faculty regulation, the student representatives of the years taught by the department also participate in the work of the departmental council. The elected members and officials of the departmental council are referred to in no. 2. is described in the appendix.
4.2. The departmental council can establish (permanent and/or ad hoc) committees to perform specific tasks or, if necessary, with a permanent mandate, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 70 and 86 of the Faculty’s regulations. Based on the decision of the departmental council, employees of other organizational units and representatives of partner institutions may also participate in the work of these committees. The departmental council determines the procedure, scope of duties and rights of the commissions. The standing committees and their responsibilities are defined in Art. 3. is described in the appendix.
4.3. Regarding the establishment and operation of departmental staff meetings, the Faculty regulations IV. Chapter 46 and Chapter V 74 are the guidelines.
4.4. The head of the department is the head of department, who is appointed by the Faculty regulations IV. in accordance with chapter 47, and chapter V, paragraphs 89 and 90, the rector entrusts hearing the opinion of the departmental council, based on the proposal of the university senate. The duties of the head of the department are basically those contained in paragraph 48 of the Faculty regulations, but it can be expanded to include other duties by the decision of the departmental council.
4.5. Taking into account the provisions of paragraphs 49 and 90 of the Faculty regulations, the deputy head of the department is entrusted by the head of the department with hearing the opinion of the departmental council.
In the case of the absence of the head of department, his duties are the same as the duties of the head of department listed in paragraph 49 of the Faculty regulations;
4.5.1. If the deputy head of the department is unable to lead the department due to obstruction in the absence of the head of the department, the senior lecturer will take over the temporary leadership of the department – for a maximum period of four weeks. In this case, the duties and powers of the temporary head of the department only cover the most necessary administrative tasks. If the head of the department and his deputy are prevented from performing the duties of the head of the department even after the four weeks have passed, the departmental council must meet and decide on the powers that the temporary head of the department can exercise.
5. Responsibilities of the departmental units
5.1. The departments of the department carry out their work in an integrated way, dividing the tasks of the department in such a way that the part of the tasks assigned to the department as a whole, assigned to the given unit, is independently organized and performed. The departmental units are not sharply separated from each other. Employees of different units replace each other in justified cases, or the same employee can perform tasks in several units.
5.2. A Kórházi Osztály, a Szakrendelői és Ambuláns Osztály ésa Műszeres Diagnosztikai Osztály:ezek az egységek önállóan szervezik és végzik a működési körükbe tartozó állatfajokhoz kapcsolódó klinikai tevékenységet. Ennek keretében, előkészítik és lebonyolítják az oktatáshoz kapcsolódó demonstrációs beteganyag biztosítását (betegbemutatók, hallgatói kiscsoportos kiszállások, klinikai terápiás bemutatók, rendelői gyakorlatok stb.). Az osztály munkatársai részt vesznek a kötelező és a klinikai jellegű fakultatív tárgyak oktatásában, hallgatói kiscsoportos gyakorlatokat tartanak, munkatársai részt vesznek a tudományterülethez kapcsolódó kutatómunkában. Szolgáltatási tevékenységük keretében elvégzik az osztályra, illetve az egységbe érkező betegek diagnosztikai vizsgálatát, gyógykezelését, szükség szerinti utókezelését, valamint szaktanácsadási feladatokat látnak el. E tevékenységük során a hatályos állategészségügyi rendelkezéseket és jogszabályokat megtartani kötelesek. A szolgáltató tevékenység szervezéséért, irányításáért és ellenőrzéséért az egységvezetők felelősek. A munkájukhoz kapcsolódó klinikai tevékenység részletes szabályait, beleértve a részlegek vezetőinek speciális feladatait is a Kisállatlinikai ügyrend tartalmazza, amely a tanszéki SZMSZ 4. sz melléklete.
5.2. The Hospital Department, the Clinic and Outpatient Department and the Instrumental Diagnostic Department: these units independently organize and carry out clinical activities related to the animal species within their scope of operation. As part of this, they prepare and manage the provision of demonstration patient material related to education (patient presentations, student small group outings, clinical therapy demonstrations, clinic practices, etc.). The staff of the department participate in the teaching of compulsory and clinical optional subjects, students conduct small group exercises, and their staff participate in research work related to the field of science. As part of their service activities, they carry out the diagnostic examination, medical treatment and after-treatment of patients arriving at the ward or unit, as well as providing specialist advice. In the course of their activities, they are obliged to comply with the applicable animal health regulations and legislation. Unit managers are responsible for the organization, management and control of service activities. The detailed rules of the clinical activity related to their work, including the special tasks of the heads of the departments, are contained in the Small Animal Clinical Rules of Procedure, which is Annex No. 4 of the department’s regulations.
5.4. Tanszéki ügyviteli részleg(a továbbiakban Titkárság): Az egység fő feladata a tanszék mindennapi működéséhez kapcsolódó ügyviteli feladatok ellátása. Ennek keretében végzendő feladatait a jelen SZMSZ 9.4. pontja, valamintéklete(Ügyviteli ügyrend) tartalmazza.
5.4. Department administration department (hereinafter the Secretariat): The main task of the unit is to perform administrative tasks related to the daily operation of the department. 9.4 of this documents shall perform its tasks within this framework. and Annex No. 5 (Administrative Procedures).
6. The establishment and operation of departmental bodies,
as well as the appointment of department heads
general rules
6.1. The establishment and operation of departmental bodies, as well as the appointment of departmental heads, must be carried out in accordance with the following provisions of Chapter V of the Faculty Regulations:
-Election of the members of the departmental council (FACULTY REGULATIONS7o-74.
and paragraphs 79);
-Formation of departmental standing committees (FACULTY REGULATIONS70 and
paragraphs 86);
– Legal status of the members of the departmental council (paragraphs 76-81);
-Basic rules for the operation of the general staff meeting and the departmental council (FACULTYREGULATIONS
paragraphs 82-85);
-Board procedural rules related to the appointment of the heads of the department and the units within the department (paragraphs 47, 89-90 and 51-52, 90/A of FACULTY REGULATIONS);
– No-confidence procedure against the head of the department and his deputy (paragraph 93 of FACULTY REGULATIONS)
7. Rules for the election of department employees delegated to the Clinical Council
7.1. According to paragraph 31, point 2 of the Faculty’s regulations, the member of the Clinical Council is ex officio the head of the department.
7.2. The clinic also delegates an additional veterinary educator or researcher for 3 years. This departmental representative is elected by the veterinary educators and researchers of the department by secret ballot. The representative is recommended by a 3-member nomination committee appointed by the Departmental Council. Taking into account the provisions of paragraph 93 of the faculty regulations, they can initiate a no-confidence procedure against this representative
– 25% of the department’s veterinary trainers and researchers;
– the head of the department;
– the head of the Clinical Council;
7.3. The member of the Clinical Council representing the technical support staff is delegated by a different clinic each year in alphabetical order of the department names. In the years when it is the department’s turn, the representative is elected jointly by the veterinary nurses of the clinic by secret ballot. The candidate is recommended by the same nominating committee that also nominates the veterinary representative. A motion of no confidence can also be initiated against the elected representative by the appropriate application of the above provisions.
8. The rules of departmental reconciliation of interests
The forum for the department’s interest reconciliation is the “State Managers and Employees’ Interest Representation” body. Its members are the head of the department and his representative secretly elected by the members of the trade unions operating in the department, as well as by employees who do not belong to any trade union. The members of the department-level “state manager-student” interest conciliation body are the head of the department and the student representative of the year concerned. The rules of the departmental interest conciliation are set out in paragraphs 94-97 of the Faculty’s regulations.
9. Rules of procedure for the operation of the department
9.1. Educational and further training tasks:
9.1.1. In the teaching and further training work, the department’s lecturers and researchers, titular lecturers, as well as guest lecturers, upon request, take part. The teaching and further training work is based on the curriculum in force at all times, the long-term education program of the university and the relevant regulations in force.
9.1.2. Forms of departmental education:
– lectures and patient presentations;
– timed exercises;
-small group clinical patient treatments and presentations;
-student clinical care, veterinary hospital and clinic practices;
– medical practices;
– managing the work of students preparing their theses;
– Managing the work of Scientific Student Circle students;
– further training, postgraduate training, aspirant training and
doctoral training (supervision of PhD students) supervision of veterinary trainees
9.1.3. Forms of accounting:
– colloquiums;
– austerity;
– writing a medical practice diary;
– thesis defense;
– Home defense of TDK thesis;
Forms of continuing education and postgraduate education
9.1.4. The management of the tasks of the teaching and further training work and the preparation of the educational programs are carried out by the lecturers of the given subject in their own competence.
(The teaching program of the subjects is approved by the departmental council in accordance with the Faculty regulations.) In this activity (organization, coordination, technical execution of the educational tasks) their work is supported by one assigned instructor for each subject. In addition, the head of the department assigns a departmental education officer to coordinate educational tasks at the departmental level. The name and detailed responsibilities of the departmental education officer are included in Annex 1.
9.1.5. In order to properly prepare, coordinate, and then evaluate the educational tasks, a departmental instructor meeting must be held before the beginning of the semesters and after the end of the exam period. Convening and preparing the faculty meeting is the responsibility of the head of department.
9.1.6. The head of the department determines the staffing for teaching-education tasks before the start of the semesters with the involvement of subject instructors and unit heads. The head of the department obtains any contributions from the deputy dean of education that meet the educational standards (e.g. when guest speakers are invited). External lecturers and practice leaders are invited by the head of the department on the recommendation of the instructors of the subjects.
9.1.7. The head of the department occasionally visits and checks all forms of education in the department. The head of the department is responsible for ensuring that the taught material has the appropriate theme and quality for the educational programs. It is the task of the head of the department – together with the instructors – to constantly develop the subject matter and methodology of the education using all possible means and methods in order to ensure modernity.
9.2. Departmental research activity:
9.2.1. The department carries out its research tasks based on research programs, awarded research proposals, approved research programs, and external commission contracts, taking into account the university’s interests, aspects and rules.
9.2.3. All graduate lecturers, researchers and PhD students of the department participate in the research work of the department. The participation of lecturers and researchers in the individual research topics is coordinated by the head of the department after consultation with the interested parties.
9.2.4. Research working groups can be formed to implement certain research tasks. Some areas of the research work are managed and coordinated by topic managers (topic leaders). Subject managers are appointed by the head of the department, taking into account the opinion of the departmental council, if it is not a research topic that has been applied for and won by name. Their task covers the entire cultivation of the given research topic (preparation of a research plan, management, control, financing, preparation of reports, research reports, publications, etc.). In the case of research awarded through tenders, the topic manager is the lecturer (researcher) who submitted the tender and won it.
9.2.5. Faculty members and researchers of the department participate in research carried out on the basis of an external assignment and entitled to a reward, on a voluntary basis or, in the case of a strong departmental (university) interest, on the basis of the assignment of the head of the department.
9.2.6. The department’s research work is coordinated by the head of the department, with the assistance of the deputy head of the department.
9.2.7. The head of the department convenes a departmental research meeting as necessary to discuss the situation of the departmental research work, the state of research, to report on the research working groups, to conclude and evaluate the topics and undertakings.
9.3. Service tasks:
The service tasks of the department are basically defined in 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 of the regulations. is determined by the points
The main areas of service activity are:
– animal hospital (clinical) work;
– surgery ambulatory patient care activity
– internal medicine specialist order,
– clinical on-call activity
– expert advice, expert work
9.3.1. The range of employees of the organizational units participating in the service work (veterinary instructors, auxiliary staff, laboratory technicians) is determined by the head of the department with the involvement of the unit heads (in the case of veterinarians, taking into account the opinion of the departmental council).
9.3.2. The unit managers are responsible for the organization and management of the service work, the creation and control of the work order. Their work in this direction is regularly checked by the head of the department.
9.3.3. The 24-hour clinical on-call service is provided by veterinarians and veterinary nurses appointed by the head of the department. The opinion of the unit managers must be taken into account when appointing the participants in the on-call service.
9.3.4. Those concerned perform the on-call service according to a schedule (role) prepared in advance every month. This schedule can be deviated from in justified cases (educational engagement, research work, outings) according to the prior agreement of the interested parties, however, the change must be indicated on the duty schedules issued.
During the preparation of the on-call schedule, the participants in the on-call service are called must be allocated in case of unforeseen absences by establishing a substitution order.
9.3.5. The head of the department assigns the on-call duty officer to coordinate and manage the tasks related to the on-call service. The duty of this person is to prepare the duty roster, modify it as necessary, register the changes, and organize the necessary replacements. The name of the person in charge on duty is included in Annex 4.
9.3.6. The department lecturer is responsible for registering and accounting for on-call duties, as well as the registration of days off due to on-call duties (see administrative procedures).
9.3.7. Other procedural rules and regulations related to animal hospital, dispensary and clinical on-call services are contained in the Clinical Procedures, which is Appendix No. 4 of these regulations.
9.4. Administrative procedure related to the operation of the department.
9.4.1. The administrative tasks of the department are performed by the Departmental Secretariat. The task of the Secretariat is to manage departmental (department head) correspondence, case file management, filing, copying and duplicating, mailing, telephone, telex and fax and registration and registration of employees’ overtime, holidays, days off, absences, preparation of headcount reports, preparation and registration of on-call rosters. The administration department is also responsible for the preparation, typing, computer text editing and finalization of written teaching aids related to education. The detailed assignment of these responsibilities is contained in the Administrative Procedures, which is Annex 5 of the regulations
9.4.2. Cooperation between organizational units within the department: The organizational units are independent but cooperating departments under the control of the head of the department. Due to the nature of the work in the department, their tasks often overlap or complement each other. Their cooperation, the coordination of their activities and their mutual administration is managed by the head of the department with the cooperation of the unit heads and the departmental Secretariat.
The administration and administrative procedures within the organizational units are organized and managed by the relevant unit managers.
9.4.3. The service road. The employees of the department must contact the head of the organizational unit within the department first, and then the head of the department in order to deal with their official affairs, such as their work schedule, questions about their work schedule, their days off, taking leave, salary and reward problems, job descriptions, tasks, and disciplinary action. If their case is not properly handled in these forums, they can turn to the competent manager or forums of the university.
The heads of the organizational units are obliged to act on the listed matters of the employees assigned to their unit within their own authority, and to inform the head of the department about them in justified cases. In matters falling under the authority of the head of the department, the unit heads can initiate the management of the employees’ case.
In other matters, you must proceed according to the relevant points of the Faculty regulations.
9.4.4. Publishing rights. For official correspondence, the department’s official (“branded”) letterhead and envelopes must be used in all matters affecting the department as a whole. On official letterhead, the letter is signed by the head of the department, his deputy or his representative, and it must be stamped with the official circular stamp of the department (point 1.3). If the signatory is not the head of the department, it is necessary to indicate the authority under which he signs the letter. Copies of official correspondence must be made, filed, and then placed in the filing cabinet. The staff of the department may use the department’s letterhead and envelopes in their own official matters, however
In direct matters related to patient care, the head of department or the veterinarian on duty can act, who in such cases uses his own clinical stamp.
9.4.5. The rules of departmental letter opening and case file management: The department lecturer is responsible for receiving, opening, sorting and grouping the documents and letters arriving at the department as necessary, after which he hands them over to the head of the department.
The head of the department, indicating the instructions for further measures, deadlines, and persons responsible, delivers the documents via the department lecturer or directly to the interested parties, who must handle the case documents in accordance with the signal indicated on them. It is the basic duty of every employee to forward the case files and arrange them on time.
10. Economic tasks, economic administration,
fire, accident and property protection
The management of the department, its possibilities and limitations, and the administration related to it are regulated by the rector’s and director general’s instructions and regulations in force at all times. The economic work at the department is organized and carried out in accordance with these instructions.
10.1. The head of the department is responsible for the economic work of the department, however, based on paragraph 45 of the Faculty SZMSZ, the departmental council decides on the use and distribution of the budget trends made available to the department, as well as the establishment of the internal management system.
10.3. The economic work in the department is managed by the head of the department, however, taking into account the opinion of the departmental council, he assigns a departmental economic manager to coordinate, organize, prepare and direct the economic tasks. The name of the economic manager and the details of his tasks, as well as the details and rules of the department’s economic tasks, are contained in Annex 6 (Economic Rules of Procedure).
10.4. The economic operational tasks of the department are carried out by the economic manager of the department. The economic manager is an employee in an independent position (status), who carries out the operational provision of everyday tasks arising in economic work. A detailed description of his duties and his name are also in No. 6. can be found in the appendix. Your work is directly managed and controlled by the head of department.
10.5. The head of the department, with the agreement and supervision of the economic manager, entrusts the person in charge of the educational and experimental animals with the agreement and supervision of the department’s educational and experimental animals (Annex No. 6) to manage the procurement, registration, accounting and other matters of the department’s educational and experimental animals.
10.6. The head of the department, with the agreement and supervision of the economic manager, appoints a departmental chemicals manager to register and store the chemicals and laboratory diagnostics used in the department, and to manage the administration related to chemicals (Annex 6).
10.7. The department’s home library is looked after by the department librarian, who is entrusted by the head of the department and whose work is also checked by him. The department librarian is responsible for borrowing, organizing, periodically inventorying and registering books. The procedure for lending books is regulated by the Economic Regulations.
10.8. Fire police, work and accident protection, and chemical protection asset safety:
0.8.1. The head of the department entrusts the departmental fire police officer with the fire police supervision of the work in the department, who in the course of his work closely cooperates with the university fire police officer. His duties and name 7. included in the appendix.
10.8.2. The head of the department entrusts the departmental accident prevention supervisor with the accident prevention supervision of the work in the department, who closely cooperates with the university accident prevention officer during his work. The duties and name of the person in charge can be found in No. 7. included in the appendix.
10.8.3. Due to the special nature of the department (location in several buildings, high-value instruments and equipment, high-value warehouses, etc.), employees are constantly obliged to take care of property protection. Their work must be carried out in such a way as to protect the structure of the department’s buildings, equipment, instruments and tools, materials (especially the tools and materials entrusted to them and issued to them under their individual responsibility), and to protect them from intentional or careless damage and theft by unauthorized persons. The special rules for asset protection are described in Annex 7.
11. Other activities of the department
11.1. Literary activity. The head of the department and the instructors of the subjects ensure that the main material of the taught subjects in the department is available to the students and interested parties in the form of textbooks or notes. In the case of special colleges, continuing education and other occasional lectures, the bibliography is also suitable for this.
The lecturers should strive to publish the results achieved during their research work, their clinical experiences, and their patients of interest in domestic and international scientific journals and informative papers. Exceptions to this are contractually secret, closed materials that are the property of the customer.
The approval of the head of the department or the head of the given research group is required for publishing the publications made in the department in scientific journals.
11.2. Social and professional assignments. The employees of the department participate in university committees, working groups, academic and state professional-scientific commissions, and the work of domestic and foreign scientific associations, federations, and societies based on membership, invitation, election, and assignment. However, carrying out their professional and social assignments in this direction (with the exception of the priority of higher university or state interests) cannot hinder or hinder the fulfillment of their teaching and research obligations within the department.
12. Job descriptions, work schedule and regulation of working hours
12.1. All employees of the department perform their work on the basis of a detailed, name-specific job description. The head of department is responsible for ensuring that all employees have a job description. The job description must record all permanent and occasional tasks, tasks, duties, workplace, working hours and work schedule of the employee. If necessary, the time of completion of each work process must also be indicated. The job description must be prepared by the head of the unit to which the given employee is assigned, or when a new employee starts work, where he or she starts work for the first time. In the existing job descriptions, changes that occur in the meantime must be recorded or corrected within 3 working days, the responsible unit manager is responsible for this. Employees are obliged to certify their acknowledgment of the job descriptions with their signature, and to record their comments and objections.
Job descriptions must be prepared in at least 3 copies. One copy is given to the employee, one copy to the Faculty Wage and Labor Department, and one copy to the departmental SZMSZ No. 8. is part of its annex (Job Descriptions). Necessary corrections and modifications must be recorded on all three copies.
The existing job descriptions must be reviewed within 30 working days after the entry into force of this SZMSZ (see later) and, if necessary, amended so that their contents correspond to those contained in the SZMSZ.
12.2. The working hours of individual employees are determined by the head of the department in consultation with the unit managers, taking into account the following:
– The working hours of the lecturers and researchers are flexible in line with teaching and research, however, they are obliged to work the 40-hour working hours per week, and if it is not affected by other reasons, they are usually at the department between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. All lecturers and researchers are obliged to indicate their absence on the department’s lecturer attendance sheet.
-The working hours of other employees are fixed, their beginning and end are included in the job description.
12.3. All departmental employees are obliged to record and enter the time spent at work, indicating the time of arrival and departure, on the attendance sheet located in their unit or in the secretariat. The attendance sheet is checked by the head of the department and signed weekly. The reason for absence from work (holiday, day off, illness, trip abroad, etc.) must be recorded on the attendance sheet.
13. Final Provisions
13.1. In all matters related to the life and work of the department, for which this SZMSZ does not provide guidance, the points of the Faculty SZMSZ or the measures of the relevant rector, director general of economics or general legislation and laws are authoritative. If a previously unregulated question arises during the work of the department, the head of the department is obliged to take action (if necessary by initiating the amendment of the department’s SZMSZ).
13.2. In justified cases, the head of the department, the departmental council, or 25% of the employees can initiate the amendment of the contents of the departmental SZMSZ. The proposal to amend the SZMSZ must be discussed by the departmental council and the necessary measures must be taken (decision under its own competence, dispatch of a committee, etc.).
13.3. The department’s Organizational and Operational Regulations and its annexes were approved by the departmental council in September 2014. It was discussed and accepted at its meeting on the 17th, and it was sent to the dean of the ÁOTK. submitted for approval by the Faculty Council.
13.4. The department’s SZMSZ and its annexes enter into force if the Dean of the university does not object to it within 15 (in the first case, 30) days.
13.5. With the entry into force of this SZMSZ, the document “Organizational and Operational Regulations of the Department of Internal Medicine and Clinic of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine” and its appendices valid from February 2012 will become invalid.
13.6. All employees of the department shall read and take note of this SZMSZ within 15 days, and attest to this by signing it. Unit managers are obliged to familiarize new employees with the SZMSZ. Employees certify that this has happened with their signature.
13.7. The departmental rules of procedure are reproduced in 5 copies. They will receive:
– the head of department (1);
– the department heads (3)
– the departmental archive (1);
The latter copy must be placed in the departmental secretariat in such a way that the employees of the department can access it if necessary.
13.8. Aggregated list of regulation annexes:
Appendix No. 1 (Educational Annex):: The taught subjects, the instructors of the subjects, the number of hours, the place of the subjects in the education, the structure of the education, the duties and name of the department’s education manager.
Appendix No. 2 (Organizational Appendix): Heads of the departmental organizational units, their deputies, and the division of the department’s employees by workplace. The names of the members of the departmental council.
Appendix No. 3: Standing committees and their responsibilities.
No. 4 annex (Clinical service order): Clinical work order, special duties of clinic managers, animal hospital rules, duties of duty officers,
the duties and name of the department duty officer.
No. 5 Annex (Administrative Rules of Procedure): Detailed rules and responsible persons for performing administrative tasks.
Annex No. 6 (Economic Regulations): Departmental economic responsibilities and their regulation, the duties and name of the departmental economic manager, the duties and name of the departmental economic administrator, the responsible duties and name of the departmental experimental animal, the duties and name of the departmental chemical manager, the departmental librarian duties and name.
No. 7 annex Duties and names of departmental fire protection and accident prevention officers, special rules for departmental asset protection.
Responsibilities of the fire police: organizing and continuously checking that the employees of the department follow the fire police rules and instructions, participate in fire police training, and know and master the basic fire prevention and fire extinguishing methods. His task is to keep the department’s fire-fighting equipment and tools in continuous operation and to check their functionality. Regardless of the general regulations, he is also responsible for placing the keys allowing access to all the rooms of the department in the event of a fire alarm at the István utca gate of the institution (with the relevant doors clearly marked). You must check the proper storage of these keys, the addition of new keys, and the replacement of old ones in case of lock changes every two months.
Before new employees start work, their task is to provide them with fire and occupational safety training.
No. 8 annex: Job descriptions.
The departmental SzMSz and its appendices were unanimously adopted by the Departmental Council on Sept. 2014. at its 17th session
This SZMSZ was approved by the Faculty Council on Dec. 2014. at its meeting on the 16th, which date is the date of implementation of the SZMSZ.