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Prof. Jörg Aurich DVM

1986 – He finished his study at the University of Veterinary Science, Hannover, Germany.

1987 – 1997 Assistant Professor at the Clinic for Bovine Reproduction, Hannover, Veterinary School.

1991 – Specialist degree in Animal Reproduction.

1993 – Habilitation and he obtained the degree of PhD, then he worked as a visiting scientist at the Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.

1995 – Associate Professor, Hannover, Veterinary School.

1997 – Full Professor for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Andrology at the University of Veterinary Science in Vienna.

2000 – He is a founding member of ECAR (European College of Animal Reproduction), between 2008-2011 he was the president of ECAR.

Reviewer for scientific journals: Veterinary Record, Small Ruminant Research, Theriogenology, Reproduction, etc..