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Department of Animal Hygiene, Herd Health and Mobile Clinic

Research at the Department of Animal Hygiene, Herd Health and Mobile Clinic



Title of the research: Herd diagnostics and practical monitoring procedures of subclinical metabolic disorders in dairy cows

Brief description of the research: This research includes the determination of the prevalence of ketosis in dairy herds by measuring the concentration of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) in milk by Keto-Test; investigation of risk factors and the relationship with postpartum diseases; and on-farm monitoring of hypocalcemia in dairy herds.

Participants: Brydl Endre, Hejel Péter, Jurkovich Viktor, Kovács Péter, Könyves László

Contact person: Hejel Péter



Title of the research: Investigation of redox status of cattle, development of herd-level diagnostic and monitoring methods

Brief description of the research: With our research, we develop alternative monitoring protocols that may be suitable for the practical examination of the energy deficiency and redox status of dairy cattle at herd level. Within the framework of metabolic profile testing, we continuously investigate the occurrence of decompensated negative energy balance, which is also decisive in triggering oxidative stress, in the dairy cows. We investigate how the redox status changes in certain distinct physiological and production stages of different dairy cattle herds.

Participants: Brydl Endre, Hejel Péter, Jurkovich Viktor, Kovács Péter, Könyves László, Vass-Bognár Barbara

Contact person: Hejel Péter



Title of the research: Udder health research

Brief description of the research: In this applied research, we are investigating and developing large-scale practice of protection against some udder pathogens (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus canis). We are involved in domestic and international surveys. We are investigating the detection efficiency of udder pathogenic bacteria.

Participants: Brydl Endre, Jurkovich Viktor, Kovács Péter, Könyves László

Contact person: Kovács Péter



Title of the research: Poultry health research

Brief description of the research: The research includes the investigation of the epidemiology, antibiotic resistance, and virulence profile of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains of poultry origin; also, the investigation of environmental and biological factors accompanying the aggressive behavior of fattening turkeys kept under intensive conditions.

Participants: Adorján András, Kovács László, Könyves László

Contact persons: Kovács László, Könyves László



Title of the research: Herd health aspects of paratuberculosis in cattle

Brief description of the research: The research includes the assessment of paratuberculosis infection in domestic herds, the follow-up and evaluation of voluntary exemption programs; the exploration of management factors promoting the spread of paratuberculosis within the herd; also, the investigation of the applicability of diagnostic tests that can also be used in practice in dairy farms during lactation.

Participants: Jurkovich Viktor, Kovács Péter, Könyves László, Vass-Bognár Barbara

Contact person: Vass-Bognár Barbara



Title of the research: Heat stress, leg health and animal welfare research in dairy calves and cows

Brief description of the research: Heat stress research collects current knowledge on the effects of heat stress in dairy calves, covering the concept of fetal programming, animal-based and environmental indicators of heat stress in the postnatal period, and methods of heat stress abatement. Conclusions for further research about economic efficiency, research methodology and an integrated approach of pre- and postnatal heat stress are also proposed.

The adrenocortical and vagal tone responses to a single ACTH challenge in lame vs non-lame dairy cows is studied. Plasma cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone concentrations and cardiac vagal tone response (high-frequency component of heart rate variability) are compared after intravenous ACTH administration.

Health and animal welfare protocols and domestic and international publications were created from the results of this research.

Participants: Bakony Mikolt, Hejel Péter, Jurkovich Viktor, Kiss Gerda, Kovács László

Contact person: Jurkovich Viktor



Title of the research: Assisted reproduction research

Brief description of the research: Research and development activity, during which our research group (1) developed a procedure and tool for cell preconditioning, by which gametes and embryos perform better in biotechnological procedures; (2) developed a time-lapse microscope system for continuous observation of embryos inside the incubator; (3) participates in the adaptation of piezo technology in human microinjection.

Participants: Losonczi Eszter, Pribenszky Csaba

Contact person: Pribenszky Csaba



Title of the research: Research for epidemic protection of poultry farms (NetPoulSafe)

Brief description of the research: The goal of the NetPoulSafe project is to network the actors of the European poultry sector to increase epidemic protection and the sustainability of production. The network established by the European Union in this area encourages the exchange of knowledge between the actors of the European poultry sector by collecting and disseminating “supporting measures” aimed at the development of epidemic prevention systems in poultry farms.

Participants: Kovács László, Könyves László

Contact person: Kovács László



Title of the research: Investigating environmental diagnostic and herd health monitoring options to prevent BRDC in calf herds

Participants: Hejel Péter, Könyves László, Sáfár János, Vass-Bognár Barbara

Contact person: Könyves László



Title of the research: State-of-the-art atomic spectroscopic element analysis for the investigation of environmental emissions and exposures, and toxic elements entering the food chain

Brief description of the research: With the help of the most modern elemental analysis techniques available at our department (ICP-OES, GF/F-AAS, ICP-MS), most of the elements of the periodic table can be determined with high sensitivity and accuracy from biological samples (whole blood, urine, blood plasma, organs, animal products, feed, food), from environmental samples (soil, water, air), wastewater and animal by-products. The main research (and service) areas are: (1) Examination of the mineral supply of farm animals; (2) examination of the element content (essential and toxic) of feeds; (3) measuring the elemental content of drinking water, surface and underground waters, wastewater; (4) measuring the load of farm animals and wild animals with toxic elements; (5) elemental analysis of food and food ingredients in the service of food safety.

Participants: Bartha András, Berlinger Balázs, Brydl Endre, Freiler-Nagy Ágnes, Hejel Péter, Könyves László, Sipos Roland

Contact person: Berlinger Balázs, Könyves László

Budapest, 14. 04.2023.

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