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About Us Units Marek József Educational Center and Student Hostel

Marek József Educational Center and Student Hostel

Imre Zoltán
+361 383 0356, +361 363 4494
+361 363 1477
Postal address
1148 Budapest Mogyoródi st. 59-63.

History of the Department


The hall of residence is situated in a suburban district. The four-storey building has a courtyard with one sports field, the rest of the area functioning as a park. The present building which is named after a renown veterinarian was built in 1972 with the help of the university’s students. The hall of residence is managed by the director and a seven-strong students’ committee in accordance with the rules of the house. The seven students are elected by the residents of the dorm.

The three-bedded rooms have their own bathrooms and a balcony and are with all convenience. Internet connection is also available in each room (3 lines). Also, there is one room on each floor for cooking and an other for learning. The facilities include the a computer room, a small gym, a buffet in the main hall, and a foyer with a soccer and a pool table in it.

We can accommodate a total of 348 persons. The dormitory can be easily reached by means of public transport in about 30 minutes (e.g. trolley No.80, bus No.32).

The locking-up time of the main door is 23.00 and it’s opened at 05.00 in the morning. (Keeping animals is not allowed.)

Budapest, 30th August 2012
