StaffScientific and Innovation Committee F N O T A-F G-L M-S T-Z F Farkas Róbert Aujeszky Aladár Doctoral Programe of Theoretical Veterinary Sciences Department of Parasitology and Zoology Doctoral Habilitation Council Scientific and Innovation Committee Location: Building A I. FloorPhone: +361 478 4188Extension: 8307 N Németh Tibor Department of Surgery (DS) Doctoral Habilitation Council Scientific and Innovation Committee Location: Building B, Department of Surgery and OphthalmologyPhone: +361 478 4195Extension: (1) 478-4100/8251 O Ózsvári László Department of Veterinary Forensics and Economics Scientific and Innovation Committee Students’ Secretariat – Secretariat for Postgraduate Training Students’ Secretariat (for Hungarian students) Location: Building L 3rd floor 302Phone: +361 478 4185Extension: +361 478 4100 / 8591 T Tibor Bartha Department of Physiology and Biochemistry International Relations Scientific and Innovation Committee Location: Rottenbiller str. 50, 1st Floor, Room no. 32APhone: +36 1 478 4156Extension: +36 1 478 4100 / 8400