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ALUMNI Alumni Greeting from your Alma Mater

Alumni Greeting from your Alma Mater

Dear Veterinarian Colleague,

Let me welcome you to Univet’s Alumni page. I believe it’s very important for our graduate vets to remain a part of our cohesive, helpful and constructive community that they have experienced within the walls of our 232-year-old Alma Mater. We organize many cultural and professional meetings where our former students and now fellow veterinarians can share their experience, discuss the latest issues of veterinary medicine or relive their college stories. We organize alumni reunions to bring together our students who graduated 10 or 25 years ago and to keep them informed about the latest news related to the university and our training programmes.

The past decades have brought on quite a few changes but our university’s solid 237-year-old principles have never changed: our programme still aims to educate vets who will stand their ground in any area of the veterinary profession and further promote the good reputation of Hungarian veterinary medicine.

I look forward to welcoming you as an active member of our Alumni Community.

Dr. Péter Sótonyi
