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Happy Holidays!

It’s not always easy to decide which profession is best for us when we are young. But this summer the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest showed that becoming a veterinarian can be a good choice. With a one-week program, we showed for a bunch of young titans what university studies are like as a vet student and life as a vet. We are sure by the end of the summer school our guests will have a better understanding of what vets do. As a plus, the program took place in vibrant and beautiful Budapest.

Alumni Meeting and Presentation

Dr. Kacskovics Imre professzor (ELTE Immunológiai Tanszék vezetője tartott előadást a “Génmódosított állatok alkalmazása humán terápiás antitestek fejlesztése” c. témáról

VetNEST Annual Meeting, Budapest

It’s not always easy to decide which profession is best for us when we are young. But this summer the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest showed that becoming a veterinarian can be a good choice. With a one-week program, we showed for a bunch of young titans what university studies are like as a vet student and life as a vet. We are sure by the end of the summer school our guests will have a better understanding of what vets do. As a plus, the program took place in vibrant and beautiful Budapest.


2017. október 25-én gyertyafényes felvonulással emlékeztünk az 1956-os forradalomra és a Magyar Állatorvosok Világszervezetével közösen Tatay Zoltán Állatorvostan-hallgatói díjat adott át dr. Sótonyi Péter az Állatorvostudományi Egyetem rektora.


Univet – Halloween Party, EQUUS Club

Picnic for Students and Colleagues

It’s not always easy to decide which profession is best for us when we are young. But this summer the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest showed that becoming a veterinarian can be a good choice. With a one-week program, we showed for a bunch of young titans what university studies are like as a vet student and life as a vet. We are sure by the end of the summer school our guests will have a better understanding of what vets do. As a plus, the program took place in vibrant and beautiful Budapest.

Picnic for Students and Colleagues

Ökörsütéssel és dolgozói–hallgatói piknikkel ünnepeltük 2017. szeptember 20-án az Állatorvostudományi Egyetem újbóli önállóvá válásának évfordulóját.