The university believes that preparing students for the future challenges of veterinary medicine can be most effectively achieved by combining modern technologies with in-person education.
Living Traditions: First Anatomy Class – Horses on the Lectern
On Monday, September 9, 2024, Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi, the rector of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, held the now traditional and special first anatomy lecture.
Students’ Research Circle (TDK) 2024
The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest will organize this year’s Scientific Student Conference (TDK) on November 19, 2024, and we encourage applications from our students! Those who are new to the TDK can obtain an application form from the Student’s Secretary.
ESVCP 2024 in Budapest
The historic campus of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest hosted the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Congress from August 28 to 31.
Prestigious awards in veterinary education: Dr. Bence Rácz and Dr. János Gál honoured for outstanding contributions
Dr. János Gál receives the Tolnay Sándor Award The award, established in 1992 in honour of Dr Sándor Tolnay, the first Hungarian veterinary professor who laid the foundation for Hungarian veterinary education, was presented this year by Dr István Nagy, Minister responsible for the Ministry of Agriculture, to Dr. János Gál, Head of Department and
We save a family member: The importance of veterinary work in maintaining our pets’ health
In our modern society, cats and dogs have become family members. People care for them lovingly, just as they would for their children, and do everything they can to ensure they live happy and healthy lives.
FENS Forum 2024
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies is one of Europe’s most significant international neuroscience conferences, organizing the FENS Forum biennially, attracting nearly 7,000 participants. This year’s conference, held in Vienna, aimed to provide researchers from all fields of neuroscience the opportunity to share their latest findings and methods with the scientific community.
FattyPig 2024 Conference
Pork is one of the most popular types of meat, bridging cultural differences and playing a central role in the dietary habits of many nations. Therefore, pork production is a significant sector and plays an important role in global food supply.
Digital developments in practice-oriented education
The University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest aims to simultaneously enhance the digital competencies of students and university staff and rejuvenate its traditionally high-quality in-person education with impressive and inspiring tools.
Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi received his letter of appointment as rector
Dr. Tamás Sulyok, President of Hungary, has entrusted Prof. Dr. Péter Sótonyi to continue his rectoral duties at the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest from September 27, 2024, to September 26, 2029.
Career Day – for the fifth time
This year we had three speakers, all veterinarians: Tania Germann (American), Philipp Scholz (German) and Theodora Bernitsa (Greek), who accepted the invitation with great pleasure.
End-of-year Graduation and Doctoral award ceremony
The Senate of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest held its end-of-year graduation and doctoral award ceremony in the great hall on June 28.