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Clinics Food Animal Clinic Education Obstetrics and reproduction

Obstetrics and reproduction

Practical Training Program for the English Course
7th Semester, Large Animal Clinic
1. Education for work safety. The female genital tract in cattle: introduction and dem-onstration on organs from slaughterhouse. The technique for clinical examination of the genital tract. Rectovaginal technique of intracervical catheterisation.
2. Epidural anaesthesia (demonstration on mare and cow, practice on cow). Operative interventions on the bovine female genital tract (vaginal prolapse, episiotomy) (practice on organs from slaughterhouse)
3. Clinical examination of the genital tract in cows. (practice) I.
4. Clinical examination of the genital tract in cows. Recto-vaginal technique of in-tracervical catheterisation (practice) II.
5. Clinical examination of the genital tract in cows. Recto-vaginal technique of in-tracervical catheterisation (practice) III.
6. Total foetotomy in mare, cow and ewe
Practical Training Program for the English Course
8th Semester, Large Animal Clinic
1. Diagnostic procedures and assistance at parturition. Foetotomy (over-view, refreshment, demonstration) The caesarean section (Indications for the surgery, preparation and the technique of the surgery in ruminants, pigs and horses; video and slide demonstration)
2. Caesarean section in cow (practice of the surgery on animals bought for this purpose) Examination of dam and foetus, supervision and the main disorders of par-turition in small ruminants. Flock / herd reproduction management.
3. Diagnostic methods and treatment procedures during the uterine involution in cattle (demonstration and practice in cows cae-sectioned one and two weeks earlier). Preparations widely used for treatment of bacterial complications in uterine involution Examination of the patient, supervision of the parturition and the main disorders at parturition in pig. Ways to control the parturition. Genital or-gans of the gilt and saw (demonstration on slaughter house material). Medicines used at the reproductive management in pig
4. Caesarean section in sows (practice of the surgery on animals bought for this purpose) Medical attendance of the dam after parturition (diagnosis and treatment of injuries of the birth canal, ways to facilitate the expelling of the placenta, uterine lavage at various animals). Caring for the newborn (facilitating the respiration, treatment of the asphyxic newborn, umbilical care)
5. Vasectomy of the teasing ram. Introduction of the diagnostic methods and treatments in management of equine reproduction (rectal and ultrasound examination of the ovaries and the uterus, lavage of the uterus, collection of samples for bacteriological, cytological and histological examinations, examination of the cervical smear and the histology of bioptic samples from the endometrium)
6. Diagnostic methods and treatments in management of equine repro-duction (rectal and ultrasound examination of the ovaries and the uterus, lavage of the uterus, collection of samples for bacteriology, cytology and histology, examination of the cervical smear and the histology of bioptic samples from the endometrium) Differential diagnostic procedures in recumbent peri-parturient cows. Di-agnostic value of ketonuria
7. Operative interventions on the bovine udder (injuries and fistulas of the teat and the glandular part of the udder) (practice). Artificial dry-ing-off. Aseptic technique of taking milk samples for bacteriology. Rapid cow side tests used for detection of subclinical mastitis. The most important preparations used in management of mastitis Herd-level management of mastitis caused by (1) contagious pathogens and (2) environmental pathogens
Practical Training Program for the English Course
10th Semester, Large Animal Clinic
1. Andrology: Collection of semen. Semen quality in stallions. Technical presentation of AI in the mare.
2. Andrology: Reproductive examination of stallion, bull, boar, ram and buck: Evaluation of potential breeding soundness. Collection of semen in the boar.
Technical presentation of AI in ruminants, sow and rabbit