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Education AIDS


Fall semester topics

World AIDS day – living with illness

“Over the course of the domestic epidemic HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus has progressed from what was once considered a death sentence to now a longterm chronic illness. Studies have shown that an individual who begins treatment and remains adherent to their medication is 96% less likely to transmit the virus, However, 1 in 5 people living with HIV don’t know that they have it. Of those that do, only 1 in 4 are on medications, adherent, and virally suppressed – which underscores the importance of knowing your status and being linked to care.

HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system and in some may lead to AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Over time, and without treatment, HIV gradually destroys the body’s defenses against disease, leaving it vulnerable to many infections and cancers that do not normally develop. Even without treatment, some people living with HIV have no symptoms; some have mild health problems, while others have severe health problems associated with AIDS.

With proper treatment, some people now living with HIV may never develop AIDS. Studies suggest that starting treatment early in the course of infection can significantly improve long-term treatment success with near normal life expectancy. Sorce info


  • Caregiving: A Guide for those who give care and those who receive it
  • HIV/AIDS basics
  • Coping with mental illness in the family
  • Understanding dysfunctional relationship patterns in your family
  • Growing up with drinking or other substance abuse
  • Additional video resources