Department of Internal Medicine (DIM)
- Vet DE
Course description
(D) I.2. Tantárgyleírás/Description of the subject
(D) I.2.1. Kötelező tantárgy/Obligatory subject
I.2.1.1. A tantárgy neve: Name of the subject
Oktatásának helye, óraszáma, az ismeretek ellenőrzésének formája:
Félév/Term | Témakör/Topic | Óraszám/ Number of hours (előadás/gyakorlat) | Az értékelés módja Evaluation (gyakorlati jegy, vizsga, szigorlat) | Kredit Credit |
3.. | Basics of clinical examination and clinical care | 0/15 | Small credit exam | 1 |
Brief description of the taught topics of the subject (maximum one page/subject)
Introduction to and practical demonstration of work safety regulations. Fire- and property protection regulations relating to students during their work at the clinics.
Rules of handling domestic animals with special respect to the risk of biting and scratching, and the duties with such accidents occurring (administrative rules). Restraining animals for patient examination and for common medical interventions. – Taking clinical basic values: body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate. Application of the learned theory when practicing patient care.
Suggested literature:
Notes of the plenary sessions in the folder available for students on the web site of the Department.
Lectures theme
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Practical lessons theme
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Evaluation description
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Exam information
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).