fakultatív B
vizsga (kollokvium)
Department of Internal Medicine (DIM)
- Vet EN
Course description
(D) I.2.2. Tantárgyleírás/Description of the subject
(D) I.2.2. Kötelező tantárgy/Elective subject
I.2.2.1. A tantárgy neve: Name of the subject
A tantárgy oktatásának helye, óraszáma, az ismeretek ellenőrzésének formája:
Félév/Term | Témakör/Topic | Óraszám/ Number of hours (előadás/gyakorlat) | Az értékelés módja Evaluation (gyakorlati jegy, vizsga, szigorlat) | Kredit Credit | |
10. | Clinical demonstrations | 0/70 | vizsga | 9 | |
A tantárgy oktatásának rövid, címszavas tematikája (tantárgyanként maximum 10 sor)
The aim of this elective course is the problem oriented approach of the most important „problems” of the clinical internal medicine. The course also improves the practical capability of the students. Each different topic is summarized by a small group lecture, followed by practical demonstration of the given subject and case studies, depending on the available patients in the Small Animal Hospital of the Department of Internal Medicine. Case presentations help in giving a deeper knowledge about the clinical approach.
A tantárgy oktatásának rövid, címszavas tematikája (tantárgyanként maximum 10 sor)
The topics of the course are: Anaemia; Health examination in young dogs and cats (Hereditary disorders, vaccination programs); Emergency care in reproduction; PU/PD, proteinuria; Management of respiratologic patients, endoscopy; Fluid therapy, treatment of shock; Haemostasis, bleeding disorders; Emergency in endocrinology; Skin diseases (pruritus, differential diagnosis, treatment); FeLV, FIV, FIP; Management of cardiologic patients; Seizures; Diabetes mellitus.
Suggested literature: see under the subject: Internal medicine
Lectures theme
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Practical lessons theme
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Evaluation description
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Exam information
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).