vizsga (kollokvium)
Department of Internal Medicine (DIM)
- Vet HU
- Vet EN
- Vet DE
Course description
(D) I.2. Tantárgyleírás
(D) I.2.1. Kötelező tantárgy/Obligatory subject
I.2.1.1. A tantárgy neve/Name of the subject:
Oktatásának helye, óraszáma, az ismeretek ellenőrzésének formája:
Félév/Term | Témakör/Topic | Óraszám/Nr. of Hours (előadás/gyakorlat) | Az értékelés módja Evaluation (gyakorlati jegy, vizsga, szigorlat) | Kredit Credit |
6 | Clinical diagnostics | 45/30 | Exam | 4 |
Brief description of the taught topics of the subject (maximum one page/subject)
Handling of animals, restraining techniques, clinical examination methods, the clinical signs of diseases, development of the diagnosis. Aim and methods of the clinical examination of different organs and organ systems. Different types of diagnoses. Order and documentation the results of the clinical examinations. Signalment (Nationale). Taking the history (anamnesis), parts of the history. Parts of the status praesens. General impression. Basic clinical data. Detailed examination and description of the different organs and organ systems. Instrumental diagnostic examinations, electrocardiography, diagnostic ultrasound, endoscopy.
Suggested literature
Rijnberk, A.; van Sluijs, F.J. (2009): Medical history and physical examination in companion animals. 2nd ed. Elsevier & Saunders, Edinburgh.
Speirs, C.W. (1997): Clinical examination of horses, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia
Radostits, O.M., Mayhew, I.G., Houston, D.M. (2000): Veterinary clinical examination and diagnosis. W.B.Saunders Co., London
Lecture notes in the folder available for students on the web site of the Department.
Lectures theme
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Practical lessons theme
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Evaluation description
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Exam information
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).