vizsga (kollokvium)
veterinary (English)
Centre for Animal Welfare
- Vet EN
Course description
The aim of the Course “Comparative Animal Protection” is to strengthen, deepen and raise the animal welfare basics learned in the first year to a level that provides internationally competitive knowledge. The rise of ethical consumption and the constant change in society’s attitude towards animals, the increasingly differentiated and stricter domestic and international legal environment, and the close connection with nature protection and biodiversity conservation have made animal protection an extremely important field in our time, which can only be correctly interpreted in a multidisciplinary approach. In the framework of the “Comparative Animal Protection” course, the students of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest gain insight into the international trends and best practices in animal welfare, examine current “hot-spots” and conflicts of animal welfare, understand the operation and cooperation of different actors of animal welfare at the system level, and get to know the relevant constitutional, civil and criminal law institutions and their practical application. Students gain a broad, critical, integrative perspective, while examining animal protection and the phenomenon of animal cruelty also from the perspectives of related disciplines, such as psychology, criminology, sociology, philosophy, or communication. The Course pays special attention to the international tendencies and the most up-to-date solutions of the 21st century animal protection.
Lectures theme
Animal protection and animal welfare law in the XXI. century, and the relevant antecedents leading here. Philosophical and legal history, the connection points between religion, politics and animal welfare. |
Examination of the hierarchy of sources of law from the point of view of animal protection. Animals in the constitution, the legal status of animals. International overview. A critical examination of the concept of animal rights. |
Animal cruelty 1. The place of animal cruelty in the system of criminal law. Factual elements of animal cruelty in different countries, common and rare offending behaviors. The zoophilia. Tasks of the veterinarian in case of suspicion of animal cruelty. Psychological bases of animal cruelty, psychopathology for veterinarians. |
Animal cruelty 2. Criminological aspects of animal cruelty, the link between animal cruelty and violence against people. The animal torturer past of serial killers, the “deadly connection.” Sanctions for animal cruelty. A critical analysis of the slogan “prison for animal torturers”. Animal hoarding. |
Animal cruelty 3. Animal cruelty cases in practice: from the commission of the act to the judicial verdict. Typical errors, problems, practical examples. Tasks of veterinarians during the procedure. |
Animal Protection Hot-spot 1. Protection of farm animals. Intensive animal husbandry, transport, slaughter, religious rituals and vegan movements. Economic aspects of animal protection. The future of the fur industry. |
Animal Protection Hot-spot 2. The role, responsibilities and future of circuses and zoos in light of animal protection. Animal fights. Rationale and tendencies of animal experiments. |
Animal Protection Hot-spot 3. Puppy mills and the stray animal problem. Shelters, neutering, adoption. Euthanasia and its cultural and ethical contexts. |
Animal Protection Hot-spot 4. Hunting and Animal Welfare. Poaching, protection of wildlife. |
Animal Protection Hot-spot 5. Protecting biodiversity. The impact of international animal trade on the individuals of animals. |
Animal Protection Hot-spot 6. Animals in the media and marketing-communication, the dangers of anthropomorphization. |
Global perspectives and current trends in animal protection. Pet-friendly services. Summary. |