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Education Courses Biology and health protection of exotic small mammals

Biology and health protection of exotic small mammals

fakultatív B
Method of evaluation
vizsga (kollokvium)
Year in the curriculum
Semester in the curriculum
Allow for
  • Vet EN

Course description

Prerequisite: Laboratory Animal Science and Bioethics

Responsible teacher: Dr. János Gál

The aim of the subject is to familiarize students with the correct keeping technology of exotic exotic small mammals and the most important issues of the biology and their health care.

Lectures theme

Education week Topics
1-2. Health care of the guineapig I.
3-4. Health care of the guineapig II.
5-6. Health care of the chinchilla I.
7-8. Health care of the chinchilla II.
9-10. Health care of the degu I.
11-12. Health care of the degu II.
13-14. Health care of the hedgehog I.
15-16. Health care of the hedgehog II.
17-18. Health care of the rat.
19-20. Health care of the mouse.
21-22 Health care of the hamsters.
23-25 Health care of the ferret.

Exam information

writing test