+361 478 4140
Gál János
1078, Budapest, István u. 2.
1400 Budapest Pf. 2
Building B
Clinic of Exotic Animal and Wildlife Medicine
The Clinic of Exotic Animal and Wildlife Medicine sees patients on appointed times weekdays between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Patients with no appointments are only seen and treated in cases of emergency. If your pet is in need of urgent veterinary help and care, please call before coming to the clinic. All our patients should first go to the reception upon arrival and get registered. For appointments call +3614784100 and then dial 8007 or 8927.
A thorough physical examination, laboratory diagnostics (bloodwork, urinalysis etc.) and our well-equipped machine park including digital x-ray and endoscope etc. helps us to have a fast and precise diagnosis as soon as possible. In case it is necessary, there is a possibility for ultrasound and CT scans at the Small Animal Clinic provided by specialists who also see exotics in these areas on a daily basis. Ultrasound and CT scans also require an appointment.
Microbiological samples (faeces, skin scrape, swab etc.) are sent to the laboratory and results are ready between 1 and 10 days depending on the examination needed. The results can be discussed personally, via e-mail or telephone (+3617484100 and then 8927)
The clinic also provides soft tissue and orthopaedic surgeries. Surgeries, if plannable are also performed on appointed times.
Patients sent in by another veterinarian or seeking a second opinion should always bring the previous medical records and results of examinations to the clinic.
Yellow circle: reception, Red circle: Clinic
Department of Exotic Animal and Wildlife Medicine
– Division of Hunting, Game and Wildlife Management
– Division of Aquaculture and Fish Hygiene
– Division of Apiculture and Honey Bee Medicine
Clinical work schedule:
From Monday to Friday: 8:00-16:00
Satrurday-Sunday: Closed
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Dr. Csatári Dóra | Dr. Papp Antal | Dr. Csatári Dóra | Dr. Kanyorszky Tünde | Dr. Csatári Dóra |
Dr. Ziszisz Árisz |
History of the Department
The Department of Exotic Animal and Wildlife Medicine was founded on 1st January 2014 from the union of the Exotic Animal and Wildlife Medicine Unit of the Pathology Department and the Exotic Animal Unit of the Internal Medicine Department.
The new department fulfils pathological duties beside the clinical medicine of exotic pets. The unit also pursues monitoring and preventative protection programs in the Hungarian protected and non protected wild animal stocks.
The Department also makes reports in wildlife medicine, wild animal breeding issues on court and police claims.
The Department takes part in the university education with “The Avian and Exotic Animal Medicine” subject and also has some facultative programs beside the post gradual education (Exotic Animal Medicine, Care and Husbandry of Exotic Animals).
Complaint handling
Regarding educational complaint handling, contact your subject lecturer or the head of department Dr. János Gál ([Click to see email]).
Regarding clinical complaint handling, contact the head of department Dr. János Gál ([Click to see email]).