vizsga (kollokvium)
- Vet EN
Course description
The aim of the training course on fish pathology is to introduce the students into the modern knowledges both in the infective fish diseases and environmentally and farming technologically influenced health condition of fishes. After a brief introduction into the anatomy and physiology of farmed fishes (mostly carp fishes and salmonids) detailed informations on infective (viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitological) and non-infective diseases and intoxications are going to provided.
Each topic represents 2 hour lectures and 2-4 hour practicals using microscopes and equipments for the standard necropsy. The lecturer is going to hand out short summaries on the practical topics.
Molnár, K., Szakolczay, J. (1997): Fish hygiene. Egyetemi Jegyzet. Szent István Egyetem, Állatorvos-tudományi Kar, Kórbonctani és Igazságügyi Állatorvostani Tanszék
Roberts, R.J. (1983) Fish Pathology
Kabata (1990) Tropical fish diseases
Stosskopf (1990) Fish Medicine
Lectures theme
1. week
The structure of the fish. The integument. Taxonomic features.
/a Practical: Fresh preparates and smears of pathologically alterated tissues of fishes.
2. week
The motion. The digestive system. Digestion.
/a Practical: Fixation and Processing Samples for Histological Studies on Fish
3. week
Gills and respiration. Blood and vascular system.
/a Practical: Further diagnostical methodes (isolation of viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens) in the fish pathological praxis.
4. week
Urinary system, excretion. Gonads and reproduction. Endocrin system. Nervous system. Sensory organs.
/a Practical: Sectioning of fishes I.
5. week
Water environment and it's characteristics. The food-chain. Fish pond and fish farm. Technical characteristics and function of the fishing establishment.
/a Practical: Sectioning of fishes II.
6. week
Fish culture technology and it's effect on fish. Spawning, rearing, harvesting, wintering, transporting.
/a Practical: Sectioning of fishes III.
7. week
On the spot examination of fish and pond. Requirements towards specimens for laboratory examination.
/a Practical: Sampling of water, fish and food probes. Analysis of the probes.
8. week
Diseases caused by viruses. SVC, VHS, IPN.
/a Practical: Preventive efforts against the rapid outbreaks of epizootic viral diseases.
9. week
Bacterial diseases. Erythrodermatitis, vibriosis.
/a Practical: Preventive efforts against the rapid outbreaks of epizootic bacterial diseases.
Isolation of bacteria
10. week
Diseases caused by algae and moulds. Gill necrosis, saprolegniasis, toxicosis caused by algae.
/a Practical: Preventive efforts against the rapid outbreaks of epizootic fungal diseases.
Isolation of fish pathogenic fungi and moulds.
11. week
Importance of parasitic infection. Diseases caused by protozoan parasites. White spot disease.
a Practical:Collection of parasites.Preparation of different fish protozoans and helmints I.
12. week
Diseases caused by sporozoan parasites. Coccidiosis, Swimbaldder-inflammation.
/a Practical: Preparation of different fish protozoans and helmints II.
13. week
Diseases caused by metazoan parasites. Gill worms, helmints, blood-sucker parasites.
/a Practical: Treatment and medication in the fish farming praxis.
14. week
Diseases caused by environmental factors. Loss of oxygen, feeding disorders.
/a Practical: Treatment and medication in the fish farming praxis.
15. week
Toxicosis of fish. Heavy metal, insecticide and other toxicosis.
/a Practical: Regulations in the EC, veterinary controll.
Exam information
written exam, semi final