fakultatív B
vizsga (kollokvium)
Department of Internal Medicine (DIM)
- Vet EN
- Vet DE
Course description
(D) I.2.2. Tantárgyleírás/Description of the subject
(D) I.2.2. Kötelező tantárgy/Elective subject
I.2.2.1. A tantárgy neve: Name of the subject
A tantárgy oktatásának helye, óraszáma, az ismeretek ellenőrzésének formája:
Félév/Term | Témakör/Topic | Óraszám/ Number of hours (előadás/gyakorlat) | Az értékelés módja Evaluation (gyakorlati jegy, vizsga, szigorlat) | Kredit Credit | |
(7.) 9. | Ultrasonography in small animal medicine | 12/2 | Exam | 6 | |
Brief description of the taught topics of the subject (maximum 10 lines/subject)
Basics of ultrasonography (physical and technical background, transducers,).
Ultrasound machines, examination types.
Abdominal ultrasonography I.
Abdominal ultrasonography II.
Abdominal ultrasonography III.
Abdominal ultrasonography (small group practice)
Suggested literature
Nyland, T.G. and Mattoon, J.S. (eds.). Small animal diagnostic ultrasound. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders. 2015.
Penninck, D., d’Anjou, M-A.: Atlas of small animal ultrasonography, 2nd ed., Wiley-Blackwell Ames, 2015.
Lectures theme
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Practical lessons theme
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Evaluation description
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).
Exam information
See in the relevant folder of the subject (password needed).