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Education Giving up smoking

Giving up smoking

Fall semester topics

Smoking – giving up methods

Smoking is more than a simple habit
Health psychology looks at the complex array of biological, social and psychological factors that influence our health and illness-related behaviour. Smoking is a biological addiction, with nicotine as addictive as cocaine and heroin. However, there is more to being hooked on cigarettes than the physical addiction to nicotine. Social learning theory describes how we learn by example from others. We are strongly influenced by our parents, and other people we look up to, such as peers, actors and pop stars. This can lead us to emulate their behaviour and try smoking. Most people will tell you that there first cigarette was not nice tasting. They may have even felt sick or choked. But at the same time there is an almost immediate effect on their brains with those first cigarettes, which the brain craves more of, so they keep smoking to get this reward. Later we learn to associate all aspects of smoking – carrying the packet, playing with their lighter, pulling the cigarette out of the packet, taking that first draw on the lit cigarette, the hand-to-mouth arm action of smoking and so on with other activities such as drinking coffee, speaking on the phone, going to the pub, etc. Source.

  • Resources for Becoming Tobacco-Free
  • The Best Quit Smoking iPhone & Android Apps of the Year
  • Quit Smoking: Plan for Success
  • Recommended books

    Beattie, Melody. 1992. Co-Dependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself (2nd edition). Center City, Minnesota: Hazelden Foundation.
    Beattie, Melody. 1989. Beyond Co-Dependency. Center City, Minnesota: Hazelden Foundation.
    Black, Claudia. 2001. It Will Never Happen to Me: Growing Up with Addiction as Youngsters, Adolescents, Adults (2nd edition, revised). Bainbridge Island, WA: MAC Publishing.
    Lerner, Harriett Goldhor. 2001. The Dance of Anger. New York, NY: Quill Harper Collins.