Welcome to this page where we attemted to collected various self-assessment tools (which we update and revise regularly) to help you sort out your own problems along with your own inner resources that are essential in problem-solving!
Self mapping
Where are you heading? Working with the following inventories may help you to see more clearly about your current resources, and mental state. As you know we bring a lot of good and maladaptive “stuff” from our families and social circles etc. that we need to be aware of. There are times we do need to weed out our inner garden!
What are my values?
What kind of personality do I have?
- New Personality Self-Portrait (NPSP)
- Myers–Briggs Type Indicator
- DISC Personality Testing – my relationships
- Cognitive Dynamics
What kind of internal resources do I have?
- Functional Skills: Knowing Your Strengths
- Self-Esteem Inventory (online verson)
- Sorensen – self-esteem test
- Forth sep inventory(AA)
- What’s Your Resilience Score? (by SKHS)
Do I have dysfunctional issues from my childhood that would need my attention?
Other types of tests, assessments etc.
- Interactive sleep quiz
- Do You Have a Problem with Procrastination? – test yourself
- Panic Attack Test
- Social Anxiety, Social Phobia Test
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder test
- Scoff Test – for screening for eating disorder
- What is my Emotional – EQ?
- Input From Others: Feedback Sheet
Career questions..?
- Holland Occupational – (IIP RIASEC)
- Interest Profiler
- Self-Directed Search (SDS)
- Self-Assessment Roadmap (overview)
What is your learning style?
Knowing how you study the best is essential during your university years. Here you find some of the best online assessment tools to check on your learning orientation