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Elective course list and types (valid from September 2023) – list of all elective/optional B- & C-type courses

ECTS credits for electives (Feb 2023)

ECTS introduced in September 2016

Curriculum English 2016/17

Curriculum English 2017/18

Curriculum English 2018/19

Curriculum English 2019/20

Curriculum English 2020/21

Curriculum English 2021/22

Curriculum English 2022/23

Curriculum English 2023_24

We reserve the right to carry out necessary modifications in the curriculum.


Please note: the core subjects in the German Program that are extra compared to the English (Propedeutik 1+2, Futtermittelkunde) can NOT count finally into the 30 requred ECTS from electives. However, this does not apply to the current 5th year (in the academic year 2022/23) but all years lower.