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Sample posting

Fecal sample

Fresh fecal samples should be placed in individual sealed, leak proof containers labeled with the animal number/name and the date collected. Refrigerate samples as soon as possible after collection, but do not freeze.

For cats or dogs submit 1-5 gram fresh feces in transport media. If it is mixed with litter, you should send 3-4 times more sample.

Herd samples appropriate size is a handful of feces. If you can’t submit individual samples from herd animals, you should send mixed sample. From very small animals, you can send samples collected for more days.

Don’t use preservatives, unless the collegues told you. Do not freeze the sample. If ice pack is necessary, protect the sample so that there is no direct contact with the ice.

Fur or skin samples/ ectoparasites

Fur and feather samples should be placed in individual sealed, leak proof containers labeled with the animal number/name and the date collected.

Making of skin scrapings: scrape the skin with a scalpel blade, until blood appears. Put it in leak proof containers to aviod dehydration.

Ectoparasites such as lice or fleas can be collected with fine tooth comb.

For identification of a parasite submit the isolated specimen in 70% ethanol. If that is not available, submit it in water. Formalin is not recommended.

Blood sample

For the examination of blood parasites, smears or uncoagulated blood (minimum 1 ml) should be submitted. If blood is not to be processed immediately upon removal from the patient, an anticoagulant must be added to the sample. We recommend the use of trisodium citrate or EDTA.

Blood smears should be wrapped in paper after drying, to protect them form cracking.

Organ parts and worms

Submit the isolated specimen or organ in 70% ethanol.